In the midst of the Vietnam war, five unlikely friends join forces to unmask a traitor--the Brasshole responsible for orchestrating two suicide missions, leaving hundreds dead. Time has manipulated their lives, aided, and protected them, marking one for travel to the past, so that, that which is meant to be can be preserved.
In the midst of the Vietnam war, five unlikely friends join forces to unmask a traitor--the Brasshole responsible for orchestrating two suicide missio...
Step into a world ruled by Time, where Time's travelers; Reweavers, are selected to do Time's bidding. Meet Kendall Spaulding - daughter, sister, dancer and her counterpart Gordon August - attorney-at-law, lost soul. Each has spent their lives in search of the other, neither knowing their destiny is literally to collide in Time. Encountering each other as familiar strangers; unbeknownst to anyone, their lives were intertwined by a network of events inscribed in The Book of Life at the beginning of Time; each and all unstoppable, unchangeable. Their futures and very survival are dependant on...
Step into a world ruled by Time, where Time's travelers; Reweavers, are selected to do Time's bidding. Meet Kendall Spaulding - daughter, sister, danc...