Adventurer at heart, Hebert Centrone has lived on the edge, literally. On his journey through life he never gave up on love and kept searching for his soul mate. An eyewitness to glory, terror and tragedy, he has braved discrimination and bitter cold snow storms to become what his friends call an extraordinary mountaineer.
He hasn't told his story in his own words until now. Among the most intrepid and fearless climbers, Hebert Centrone has traveled from coast to coast in search of fresh challenges and new heights to conquer. Along the way he has accumulated an extraordinary list of...
Adventurer at heart, Hebert Centrone has lived on the edge, literally. On his journey through life he never gave up on love and kept searching for his...
Adventurer at heart, Hebert Centrone has lived on the edge, literally. On his journey through life he never gave up on love and kept searching for his soul mate. An eyewitness to glory, terror and tragedy, he has braved discrimination and bitter cold snow storms to become what his friends call an extraordinary mountaineer.
He hasn't told his story in his own words until now. Among the most intrepid and fearless climbers, Hebert Centrone has traveled from coast to coast in search of fresh challenges and new heights to conquer. Along the way he has accumulated an extraordinary list of...
Adventurer at heart, Hebert Centrone has lived on the edge, literally. On his journey through life he never gave up on love and kept searching for his...