We have great pleasure to present the latest extension of the European Institute of Health Care book series. This volume is devoted to neurodevelopmental d- orders. Again, we had the privilege to be able to work with reknowned experts who have agreed to contribute to this endeavour. The book comprises a number of topics related to psychosocial and motor development and is exemplary with regard to its comprehensiveness, as reviews of the topics presented are generally not available in a single publication. It starts with a timely and critical discussion of the genetics of attention deficit...
We have great pleasure to present the latest extension of the European Institute of Health Care book series. This volume is devoted to neurodevelopmen...
W. W. Fleischhacker D. J. Brooks W. W. Fleischhacker
The 5th Neuropsychiatry Symposium of the European Institute of Health care was devoted to neuropsychopharmacology. As in previous meetings, we sought to choose topics that bridge the gap between basic neuroscience and the clinical fields of neurology and psychiatry. Consequently, the pro ceedings published in this supplement cover a lot of ground. Late breaking data on various neuromodulator and neurotransmitter systems and their implications for the treatment of a number of disorders are reviewed. Jean Charles Schwartz and colleagues set the stage with their paper on constitu tive receptor...
The 5th Neuropsychiatry Symposium of the European Institute of Health care was devoted to neuropsychopharmacology. As in previous meetings, we sought ...
The 5th Neuropsychiatry Symposium of the European Institute of Health- care was devoted to neuropsychopharmacology. As in previous meetings, we sought to choose topics that bridge the gap between basic neuroscience and the clinical fields of neurology and psychiatry. Consequently, the pro- ceedings published in this supplement cover a lot of ground. Late breaking data on various neuromodulator and neurotransmitter systems and their implications for the treatment of a number of disorders are reviewed. Jean- Charles Schwartz and colleagues set the stage with their paper on constitu- tive...
The 5th Neuropsychiatry Symposium of the European Institute of Health- care was devoted to neuropsychopharmacology. As in previous meetings, we sought...
Substance-related disorders pose an increasing challenge not only to the field of psychiatry but also to public health. The rapid development of our society has also changed the face of substance use and abuse, both quantitatively and qualitatively. In this volume international experts present reviews of the latest research covering many areas ranging from neurobiology to psychological management, as well as different drugs, from alcohol to ecstasy.
Substance-related disorders pose an increasing challenge not only to the field of psychiatry but also to public health. The rapid development of our s...