Oceans Of Time, the second installment of The Faery Chronicles is a masterfully, daring, and beautifully written novel set in fourteenth century Ireland. In the true fashion of a traditional Irish storyteller, Kisma K. Stepanich-Reidling guides us into the extravagant aura of the Otherworld, as she expertly portrays the richly dramatic and cursed romance between Aine, the Irish Faery Goddess of Love, and the historical Second Earl of Desmond, whose meddling in the black arts unleashes a demon upon the world. The ancient past weaves together with modern times through a battle between humans...
Oceans Of Time, the second installment of The Faery Chronicles is a masterfully, daring, and beautifully written novel set in fourteenth century Irela...
Oceans Of Time, the second installment of The Faery Chronicles is a masterfully, daring, and beautifully written novel set in fourteenth century Ireland. In the true fashion of a traditional Irish storyteller, Kisma K. Stepanich-Reidling guides us into the extravagant aura of the Otherworld, as she expertly portrays the richly dramatic and cursed romance between Aine, the Irish Faery Goddess of Love, and the historical Second Earl of Desmond, whose meddling in the black arts unleashes a demon upon the world. The ancient past weaves together with modern times through a battle between humans...
Oceans Of Time, the second installment of The Faery Chronicles is a masterfully, daring, and beautifully written novel set in fourteenth century Irela...
A novel of ancient lore and magic set in the modern day. Heather Devine is a writer of women's spirituality and a student of Celtic Traditions. When researching Irish lore for her next book, she comes across an ancient ritual and performs it, conjuring an Otherworld Being: a Faery Queen. The Faery Queen becomes Heather s teacher of the Faery Tradition, which according to Queen Fay can only be passed down mouth-to-ear; an oral Faery Tradition rich with wisdom and kept hidden in the Land of Faery since the Tuatha De Danaan withdraw from the world of mortals. Queen Fay encompasses Heather in a...
A novel of ancient lore and magic set in the modern day. Heather Devine is a writer of women's spirituality and a student of Celtic Traditions. When r...
A novel of ancient lore and magic set in the modern day. Heather Devine is a writer of women's spirituality and a student of Celtic Traditions. When researching Irish lore for her next book, she comes across an ancient ritual and performs it, conjuring an Otherworld Being: a Faery Queen. The Faery Queen becomes Heather s teacher of the Faery Tradition, which according to Queen Fay can only be passed down mouth-to-ear; an oral Faery Tradition rich with wisdom and kept hidden in the Land of Faery since the Tuatha De Danaan withdraw from the world of mortals. Queen Fay encompasses Heather in a...
A novel of ancient lore and magic set in the modern day. Heather Devine is a writer of women's spirituality and a student of Celtic Traditions. When r...
Ms. Stepanich-Reidling brings to us the fifth volume in her series, The Faery Chronicles, providing us with yet another exhilarating exploration of the Faery Realm and encounters with a host of beings both of our world and that other country, wherein humans are quite considered the unique being. In this volume, we meet Kathleen MacNamarra, an American who lives between southern California and the west coast of Ireland, who becomes caught in an intricate web of the supernatural. Kathleen is accepted by the Sidhe, becoming a Faery Favored Mortal, only to find that though she gains great fame as...
Ms. Stepanich-Reidling brings to us the fifth volume in her series, The Faery Chronicles, providing us with yet another exhilarating exploration of th...