The book is devoted to the perturbation analysis of matrix equations. The importance of perturbation analysis is that it gives a way to estimate the influence of measurement and/or parametric errors in mathematical models together with the rounding errors done in the computational process. The perturbation bounds may further be incorporated in accuracy estimates for the solution computed in finite arithmetic. This is necessary for the development of reliable computational methods, algorithms and software from the viewpoint of modern numerical analysis.
In this book a general...
The book is devoted to the perturbation analysis of matrix equations. The importance of perturbation analysis is that it gives a way to estimate the i...
This cross-disciplinary volume brings together theoretical mathematicians, engineers and numerical analysts and publishes surveys and research articles related to the topics where Georg Heinig had made outstanding achievements. In particular, this includes contributions from the fields of structured matrices, fast algorithms, operator theory, and applications to system theory and signal processing.
This cross-disciplinary volume brings together theoretical mathematicians, engineers and numerical analysts and publishes surveys and research arti...
Der Text ist durch Anwendungen motiviert und entwickelt die Bedurfnisse nach numerischen Methoden konzeptionell anhand der Losung von Differentialgleichungen. D.h., es gibt einen roten Faden und die Studierenden sehen, warum jetzt bestimmte Techniken zu erlernen sind. Zwei Anwendungen ziehen sich durch das Buch: ein mechanisches Mehrkorpersystem und ein Warmeleitungsproblem, an denen die Fragestellung und Phanomene erklart werden. Das Buch lasst sich mit oder ohne Beweise verwenden."
Der Text ist durch Anwendungen motiviert und entwickelt die Bedurfnisse nach numerischen Methoden konzeptionell anhand der Losung von Differentialglei...
Lorenz T. Biegler Stephen L. Campbell Volker Mehrmann
A cutting-edge guide to modelling complex systems with differential-algebraic equations, suitable for applied mathematicians, engineers and computational scientists.
A cutting-edge guide to modelling complex systems with differential-algebraic equations, suitable for applied mathematicians, engineers and computatio...