In this third installment of the One Sister Away book project, we are back once again bringing together sisters from all walks of life to inspire and provide encouraging words from one sister to another. We can grow as women when we reach out and pull another sister along on our journey up and provide words of encouragement for those who may be struggling. We hope you are blessed by our words.
In this third installment of the One Sister Away book project, we are back once again bringing together sisters from all walks of life to inspire and ...
They had the perfect love...That's what Brian Knight thought of his relationship with Sherry Braxton until he looked up one day and she was gone and never wanted to see him again. Two years later, he discovered that there is the possibility that Sherry may have been pregnant with his child. Hurt and angry at her deceit, he takes a flight to Baltimore to fight for his rights as a father and realizes that the love and passion they once shared had never died. Is it possible he could still have the kind of love he thought would last a lifetime? Can Brian have his love at last?
They had the perfect love...That's what Brian Knight thought of his relationship with Sherry Braxton until he looked up one day and she was gone and n...