A multimedia system needs a mechanism to communicate with its environment, the Internet, clients, and applications. MPEG-7 provides a standard metadata format for global communication, but lacks the framework to let the various players in a system interact. MPEG-21 closes this gap by establishing an infrastructure for a distributed multimedia framework, allowing for the creation, modification, viewing, and communication of digital items among all participants within an MPEG-21 agreement.
Now you have a guide that examines the structure and potential usage of these emerging standards....
A multimedia system needs a mechanism to communicate with its environment, the Internet, clients, and applications. MPEG-7 provides a standard metadat...
Euro-ParConferenceSeries The European Conference on Parallel Computing (Euro-Par) is an international conference series dedicated to the promotion and advancement of all aspects of parallel and distributed computing. The major themes fall into the categories of hardware, software, algorithms, and applications. This year, new and interesting topicswereintroduced, likePeer-to-PeerComputing, DistributedMultimedia- stems, and Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing. For the ?rst time, we organized a Demo Session showing many challenging applications. The general objective of Euro-Par is to provide a...
Euro-ParConferenceSeries The European Conference on Parallel Computing (Euro-Par) is an international conference series dedicated to the promotion and...