Diasporas have become a visible phenomenon of the modern world. In airports, shopping centers, city parks are found recent immigrants from many different countries. The impact of these ""worlds on the move"" on globalization, migration, and identity negotiations is the subject matter of this book written by a distinguished group of scholars from around the world.
Diasporas have become a visible phenomenon of the modern world. In airports, shopping centers, city parks are found recent immigrants from many differ...
Afrika, Asien und Lateinamerika blicken auf eine lange Geschichte der wirtschaftlichen, politischen und kulturellen Globalisierung zurck. Fr all diese Kontinente stand die erste Begegnung mit dem Westen im Zeichen von Eroberung, Ausbeutung und Imperialismus. In der zweiten Hlfte des 20. Jahrhunderts entstanden dort formal unabhngige und souverne Staaten. Heute sind sie mit derzweiten Globalisierung, die Michael Hardt und Toni Negri in Empire analysierten, konfrontiert. Anhand von aktuellen Beispielen zeigen die Autoren, da dieser Proze entgegen der vorherrschen Meinung nicht zu einer...
Afrika, Asien und Lateinamerika blicken auf eine lange Geschichte der wirtschaftlichen, politischen und kulturellen Globalisierung zurck. Fr all diese...
The field of mobility studies examines social phenomena through the lens of movement. In this perspective, societies are regarded as being constantly reconfigured as they are shaped by a series of mobile entities (capital, people, information).
This book engages critically with many of the claims and challenges of mobility studies by providing empirically rich reports of mobilities and their limitations. Instead of assuming a seamless world of flows, the volume foregrounds questions of power, inequality, and moorings as integral to the movement of capital, goods, images,...
The field of mobility studies examines social phenomena through the lens of movement. In this perspective, societies are regarded as being c...