Originally written after four years of the National Curriculum, at a time when adjustments and radical changes were being implemented, this book analyses from various points of view what is wrong with the National Curriculum and presents a series of options for putting it right.
Originally written after four years of the National Curriculum, at a time when adjustments and radical changes were being implemented, this book analy...
*Joan Bocher was burned to death in England in 1550 AD. Her crime? The Encyclopaedia Britannica (1964) says: "She was condemned for open blasphemy in denying the Trinity, the one offence which all the church had regarded as unforgivable ever since the struggle with Arianism." *On October 27th, 1553, Michael Servetus, a medical practitioner, was burned at the stake at Geneva, Switzerland, for denying the doctrine of the Trinity. *In 1693, a pamphlet attacking the Trinity was burned by order of the House of Lords, and the following year its printer and author were prosecuted. The finest...
*Joan Bocher was burned to death in England in 1550 AD. Her crime? The Encyclopaedia Britannica (1964) says: "She was condemned for open blasphemy in ...