In "The Winter Stranger: The Wishing Well Sequel," the residents of Jasper, Virginia, unite to protect the children of the orphanage, and return some sense of safety to their town. "Timothy left, as the sun was coming up, heading for the orphanage, as instructed by the stranger. He followed the route given to him by the stranger, staying off the main road. Within an hour and a half, Timothy came upon the location where he was instructed to stop and wait. He tied his horse to a tree, deep in the woods, so it could not be seen from the road and walked back to the road. He removed the bullets...
In "The Winter Stranger: The Wishing Well Sequel," the residents of Jasper, Virginia, unite to protect the children of the orphanage, and return some ...
In "The Winter Stranger: The Wishing Well Sequel," the residents of Jasper, Virginia, unite to protect the children of the orphanage, and return some sense of safety to their town."Timothy left, as the sun was coming up, heading for the orphanage, as instructed by the stranger.He followed the route given to him by the stranger, staying off the main road. Within an hour and a half, Timothy came upon the location where he was instructed to stop and wait. He tied his horse to a tree, deep in the woods, so it could not be seen from the road and walked back to the road.He removed the bullets from...
In "The Winter Stranger: The Wishing Well Sequel," the residents of Jasper, Virginia, unite to protect the children of the orphanage, and return some ...
Timothy Legget, 12, was forced to grow up quickly living in Appleton, Kentucky, caring for his younger sister, Lisa. Their parents, Jan and Justin, were impoverished coal miners working in one of the local mines near their home. On October 5, 1901, tragedy struck their family. Timothy and Lisa are sent to Jasper, Virginia to live with their aunt, Martha Satcher. They arrive in Jasper late one night, only to discover that their Aunt Martha is not home. Timothy explores the house and finds it empty of most everything. Timothy considers this to be very strange and out of character for his Aunt....
Timothy Legget, 12, was forced to grow up quickly living in Appleton, Kentucky, caring for his younger sister, Lisa. Their parents, Jan and Justin, we...