Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) through the Chakras (2nd Edition - Expanded and Updated) is a new dynamic system of healing that combines EFT tapping with the Chakra energetic system. This book brings to light each of the 7 Chakras, their associated acupuncture meridian, the muscles governed by and the emotions directly influenced by each of these Chakras. When we include this information in the EFT tapping process it allows for a much deeper healing to occur. This technique is simple, easy and effective. When using EFT through the Chakras you can - Reduce emotional anxiety and emotional...
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) through the Chakras (2nd Edition - Expanded and Updated) is a new dynamic system of healing that combines EFT tappin...
How To Do Restorative Yoga: For Home or In A Class (2nd Edition) Restorative yoga is a simple, safe, effective, non-invasive form of yoga that anybody can practice. Suitable for beginners through to advanced yoga practitioners and yoga teachers. Restorative yoga provides us with a gentle practice to help us relax, regenerate and renew. It compliments any other forms of exercise we may be engaged in including any 'yang' forms of yoga. This book provides you with guidelines for a safe practice and details a number of poses and sequences to work with. There are photos and step by step...
How To Do Restorative Yoga: For Home or In A Class (2nd Edition) Restorative yoga is a simple, safe, effective, non-invasive form of yoga that anybody...
"Those who flow as life flows, know they need no other force" Lao Tzu Oriental Yoga is a fusion of traditional Indian Hatha yoga with Chinese medicine and Taoist cosmology. The aim of applying this knowledge is, like all yoga's and spiritual paths, is to help the practitioner align with the natural cosmic forces of the universe. When one aligns with these natural forces the path becomes more harmonious, more easeful and more joyful, for these are the innate qualities of the universal Way. This book explores the 5 element system and provides insight into all the associated organs and...
"Those who flow as life flows, know they need no other force" Lao Tzu Oriental Yoga is a fusion of traditional Indian Hatha yoga with Chinese medicine...
The purpose of this book is to explain some basic fundamental principles in relation to managing your body, spine, and posture for greater health in a very simple and easy manner. It also goes into various techniques one can do to release tightness and compression throughout the body. While self-adjustment is no substitute for the expert knowledge and experience of a health professional, a great deal of benefit can be acquired by simply practicing the set of simple self-healthcare techniques and practices outlined and described in this book. In this book you will learn: - A simple five-step...
The purpose of this book is to explain some basic fundamental principles in relation to managing your body, spine, and posture for greater health in a...