Piotr A. Krylov Alexander V. Mikhalev Askar A. Tuganbaev
Every Abelian group can be related to an associative ring with an identity element, the ring of all its endomorphisms. Recently the theory of endomor- phism rings of Abelian groups has become a rapidly developing area of algebra. On the one hand, it can be considered as a part of the theory of Abelian groups; on the other hand, the theory can be considered as a branch of the theory of endomorphism rings of modules and the representation theory of rings. There are several reasons for studying endomorphism rings of Abelian groups: first, it makes it possible to acquire additional information...
Every Abelian group can be related to an associative ring with an identity element, the ring of all its endomorphisms. Recently the theory of endomor-...