Synopsis: Teaching on the sanctification of Christians using the difficult word perfection has been part of Christian spirituality through the centuries. The Fathers spoke of it and Augustine particularly contributed his penetrating analysis of human motivation in terms of love. Medieval theologians such as Bernard and Thomas Aquinas developed the tradition and wrote of levels or "degrees" of "perfection" in love. However, the doctrine has not fared so well among Protestants. John Wesley was the one major Protestant leader who tried to blend this ancient tradition of Christian "perfection"...
Synopsis: Teaching on the sanctification of Christians using the difficult word perfection has been part of Christian spirituality through the centuri...
About the Contributor(s): Stan Rodes (PhD) is Assistant District Superintendent of the Intermountain District Church of the Nazarene and also serves as a member of the adjunct faculty of Northwest Nazarene University in Nampa, Idaho.
About the Contributor(s): Stan Rodes (PhD) is Assistant District Superintendent of the Intermountain District Church of the Nazarene and also serv...
The Cappadocian Fathers had great influence on the church of the fourth century, having brought their passion for Christ and theological expertise to life in their ministry. Their work was not devoid of influence, including that of their immediate family members. Within their writings we uncover the lives of seven women, the Cappadocian Mothers, who may have had more influence on the theology of the church than previously believed. As the Cappadocians wrestle with the Christianization of the concept of deification, we find the women in their lives becoming models for their theological...
The Cappadocian Fathers had great influence on the church of the fourth century, having brought their passion for Christ and theological expertise to ...