Fuzzy modeling has become one of the most productive and successful results of fuzzy logic. Among others, it has been applied to knowledge discovery, automatic classification, long-term prediction, or medical and engineering analysis. The research developed in the topic during the last two decades has been mainly focused on exploiting the fuzzy model flexibility to obtain the highest accuracy. This approach usually sets aside the interpretability of the obtained models. However, we should remember the initial philosophy of fuzzy sets theory directed to serve the bridge between the human...
Fuzzy modeling has become one of the most productive and successful results of fuzzy logic. Among others, it has been applied to knowledge discover...
Foundations of Computational Intelligence Volume 2: Approximation Reasoning: Theoretical Foundations and Applications Human reasoning usually is very approximate and involves various types of - certainties. Approximate reasoning is the computational modelling of any part of the process used by humans to reason about natural phenomena or to solve real world problems. The scope of this book includes fuzzy sets, Dempster-Shafer theory, multi-valued logic, probability, random sets, and rough set, near set and hybrid intelligent systems. Besides research articles and expository papers on t- ory...
Foundations of Computational Intelligence Volume 2: Approximation Reasoning: Theoretical Foundations and Applications Human reasoning usually is very ...
Theneedforintelligentsystemstechnologyinsolvingreal-lifeproblemshasbeen consistently growing. In order to address this need, researchers in the ?eld have been developing methodologies and tools to develop intelligent systems for so- ing complex problems. The International Society of Applied Intelligence (ISAI) through its annual IEA/AIE conferences provides a forum for international s- enti?c and industrial community in the ?eld of Applied Arti?cial Intelligence to interactively participate in developing intelligent systems, which are needed to solve twenty ?rst century's ever growing...
Theneedforintelligentsystemstechnologyinsolvingreal-lifeproblemshasbeen consistently growing. In order to address this need, researchers in the ?eld h...
Theneedforintelligentsystemstechnologyinsolvingreal-lifeproblemshasbeen consistently growing. In order to address this need, researchers in the ?eld have been developing methodologies and tools to develop intelligent systems for so- ing complex problems. The International Society of Applied Intelligence (ISAI) through its annual IEA/AIE conferences provides a forum for international s- enti?c and industrial community in the ?eld of Applied Arti?cial Intelligence to interactively participate in developing intelligent systems, which are needed to solve twenty ?rst century s ever growing...
Theneedforintelligentsystemstechnologyinsolvingreal-lifeproblemshasbeen consistently growing. In order to address this need, researchers in the ?eld h...
Theneedforintelligentsystemstechnologyinsolvingreal-lifeproblemshasbeen consistently growing. In order to address this need, researchers in the ?eld have been developing methodologies and tools to develop intelligent systems for so- ing complex problems. The International Society of Applied Intelligence (ISAI) through its annual IEA/AIE conferences provides a forum for international s- enti?c and industrial community in the ?eld of Applied Arti?cial Intelligence to interactively participate in developing intelligent systems, which are needed to solve twenty ?rst century s ever growing...
Theneedforintelligentsystemstechnologyinsolvingreal-lifeproblemshasbeen consistently growing. In order to address this need, researchers in the ?eld h...
Fuzzy Sets and Their Extensions: Representation, Aggregation and Models Intelligent Systems from Decision Making to Data Mining, Web Intelligence and Computer Vision Fuzzy sets are now more than 40 years old, and have come of age. However, the development of fuzzy set theory at the theoretical level, and its successful appli- tions to science and technology have often run in isolation. Only a little part of the theoretical apparatus was effectively used in past applications. The most prominent ones, namely fuzzy rule-based modeling and control engineering, were directly - spired from a...
Fuzzy Sets and Their Extensions: Representation, Aggregation and Models Intelligent Systems from Decision Making to Data Mining, Web Intelligence and ...
The seventh International Conference on Knowledge Management in Organizations (KMO) brings together researchers and developers from industry and the academic world to report on the latest scientific and technical advances on knowledge management in organisations.
KMO 2012 provides an international forum for authors to present and discuss research focused on the role of knowledge management for innovative services in industries, to shed light on recent advances in cloud computing for KM as well as to identify future directions for researching the role of knowledge management in...
The seventh International Conference on Knowledge Management in Organizations (KMO) brings together researchers and developers from industry and th...
Data Preprocessing for Data Mining addresses one of the most important issues within the well-known Knowledge Discovery from Data process. Data directly taken from the source will likely have inconsistencies, errors or most importantly, it is not ready to be considered for a data mining process. Furthermore, the increasing amount of data in recent science, industry and business applications, calls to the requirement of more complex tools to analyze it. Thanks to data preprocessing, it is possible to convert the impossible into possible, adapting the data to fulfill the input demands of each...
Data Preprocessing for Data Mining addresses one of the most important issues within the well-known Knowledge Discovery from Data process. Data direct...
This book examines one of the more common and wide-spread methodologies to deal with uncertainty in real-world decision making problems, the computing with words paradigm, and the fuzzy linguistic approach. The 2-tuple linguistic model is the most popular methodology for computing with words (CWW), because it improves the accuracy of the linguistic computations and keeps the interpretability of the results.
The authors provide a thorough review of the specialized literature in CWW and highlight the rapid growth and applicability of the 2-tuple linguistic model. They explore the...
This book examines one of the more common and wide-spread methodologies to deal with uncertainty in real-world decision making problems, the comput...
Data preprocessing includes the data reduction techniques, which aim at reducing the complexity of the data, detecting or removing irrelevant and noisy elements from the data.This book is intended to review the tasks that fill the gap between the data acquisition from the source and the data mining process.
Data preprocessing includes the data reduction techniques, which aim at reducing the complexity of the data, detecting or removing irrelevant and nois...