Harry Newman's current work is a humorous narrative titled "The Newman Expeditions," consisting of a compilation of anecdotes about forty-two years of driving recreational vehicles around the United States, Canada, and Mexico. The book also contains tales about traveling in England, Italy, Israel, New Zealand (in a rented motor home), and Australia. This book includes more than one hundred pictures. Anyone seeking a delightful read about travel, riddled with human nature adventures-on-the-road, will enjoy sharing these beautifully written fun-filled, charming stories.
Harry Newman's current work is a humorous narrative titled "The Newman Expeditions," consisting of a compilation of anecdotes about forty-two years of...
Shakespeare's supposed genius and universality is still thought to lie in his work's capacity to 'impress', 'imprint' or 'stamp' our hearts, minds and souls. But to what extent is Shakespeare's perceived impressiveness rooted in his own language of impression? Impressive Shakespeare investigates the language and material culture of three interrelated 'impressing technologies' in Shakespearean drama: wax sealing, coining and printing. Combining book history, material culture and rhetorical theory through historicised close readings of four plays-Coriolanus, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Measure...
Shakespeare's supposed genius and universality is still thought to lie in his work's capacity to 'impress', 'imprint' or 'stamp' our hearts, minds and...