Greg Young: for decades, always moving, always moving on. Traveler, seeker, escape artist: from or to Texas, the Navy, Seattle, India, NYC, Korea, Honolulu, Germany. Passionately into stonework, surfing, alcohol, drumming, meditation, THC, teaching, Santeria. Fits and starts; restarts. Countless departures, arrivals. Moments of debauchery; of heartfelt appreciation; of enlightenment. Recidivist heart-breaker, breaker of his own heart. Self-saboteur. But, in the arc of Coal Fire's resolutely confessional telling, cleansed by the life-saving rigor of endeavoring to shape true narrative. To let...
Greg Young: for decades, always moving, always moving on. Traveler, seeker, escape artist: from or to Texas, the Navy, Seattle, India, NYC, Korea, Hon...