The idea of evolving machines, whose origins can be traced to the cybernetics movementofthe1940sand1950s, hasrecentlyresurgedintheformofthenascent ?eld of bio-inspired systems and evolvable hardware. The inaugural workshop, Towards Evolvable Hardware, took place in Lausanne in October 1995, followed by the First International Conference on Evolvable Systems: From Biology to Hardware (ICES), held in Tsukuba, Japan in October 1996. The second ICES conference was held in Lausanne in September 1998, with the third and fourth being held in Edinburgh, April 2000 and Tokyo, October 2001...
The idea of evolving machines, whose origins can be traced to the cybernetics movementofthe1940sand1950s, hasrecentlyresurgedintheformofthenascent ?el...