The super-bestselling book that's enhancing Americans' healthBy eating the fourteen SuperFoods highlighted in Dr. Steven Pratt's instant bestseller, you can actually stop the incremental deteriorations that lead to common ailments and diseases
Beans -- reduce obesity
Blueberries -- lower risk for cardiovascular disease
Broccoli -- lowers the incidence of cataracts and fights birth defects
Oats -- reduce the risk of type II diabetes
Oranges -- prevent strokes
Pumpkin -- lowers the risk of various cancers
Wild salmon -- lowers...
The super-bestselling book that's enhancing Americans' healthBy eating the fourteen SuperFoods highlighted in Dr. Steven Pratt's instant bests...
The 21st-century program for promoting vigor, preventing disease, and extending your lifespan
Don't rely on genetics and luck -- let SuperFoods HealthStyle be your guide to a longer, healthier, better life Like its bestselling predecessor, SuperFoods Rx, SuperFoods HealthStyle translates the most recent cutting-edge research into simple recommendations that you can use to vastly improve your physical and mental health. And now there are 10 more SuperFoods to add to the original list of 14:
The 21st-century program for promoting vigor, preventing disease, and extending your lifespan
Si usted incluye en su dieta diaria los catorce superalimentos que menciona el doctor Steven Pratt en este libro, puede evitar el deterioro progresivo que causa dolencias y enfermedades comunes. El frijol previene la obesidad El arandano disminuye el riesgo de sufrir enfermedades cardiovasculares El brocoli disminuye la incidencia de cataratas y previene los defectos de nacimiento La avena disminuye el riesgo de sufrir diabetes tipo II La naranja ayuda a prevenir las apoplejias La calabaza disminuye el riesgo de desarrollar varios tipos de cancer El salmon silvestre disminuye el riesgo de...
Si usted incluye en su dieta diaria los catorce superalimentos que menciona el doctor Steven Pratt en este libro, puede evitar el deterioro progresivo...