The three basic "nutrients" without which planet earth could not exist as a home for living things are light, water, and oxygen. This report is on the use of oxygen in a way that is both simple and effective for the prevention of aging and improving your health. EWOT (pronounced ee-watt) stands for Exercise With Oxygen Therapy. This method of prolonging your life is so simple that it's hard to believe it could work, but it does and you can do it at home at a minimal cost. The main reason for aging is the failure of enzymatic systems that are responsible for your body's uptake and utilization...
The three basic "nutrients" without which planet earth could not exist as a home for living things are light, water, and oxygen. This report is on the...
"Have a Coke!" Tokay Wren, big-boned, bronze and beautiful, hurled a flaming Molotov cocktail at the U.N. tank. The United Nations, like a trained watchdog gone mad, had turned on its benefactor, the United States. In the 1970's the United Nations had become a world dictatorship - and the United States had to fight for its life to survive against the monster that it had fed so well. It can't happen...but could it? Although The Eagle's Feather is a work of fiction set in the1970's, it is built, as with most fiction, on a framework of plausibility and background information. This is a fiction...
"Have a Coke!" Tokay Wren, big-boned, bronze and beautiful, hurled a flaming Molotov cocktail at the U.N. tank. The United Nations, like a trained wat...
From sharpening mental acuity to maintaining optimal weight, the risks of smoking have always been outweighed by the substantial improvement to mental and physical health. Readers will discover in this text that many of the countries that smoke the most have the longest life span.
From sharpening mental acuity to maintaining optimal weight, the risks of smoking have always been outweighed by the substantial improvement to mental...
To be quite honest, we don't really know much about human sex. If fact, most of us seem downright confused about it. If you don't believe me, just look at corporate America. Every office in this great country is filled with tension between the sexes. You really can't appreciate this unless you've experienced it. It's a mess! The report you are about to read is not a morality book, nor is it politically correct. It's simply a frank discussion on a subject that most people find interesting, but very confusing. In trying to sort out many of the myths and misunderstandings about sex, I have...
To be quite honest, we don't really know much about human sex. If fact, most of us seem downright confused about it. If you don't believe me, just loo...
The Milk Book - How Science Is Destroying Nature's Neatly Perfect Food. Children are denied whole milk because pediatricians are obsessed with the cholesterol myth. These same gutless wonders don't say anything about children drinking half-a-dozen bottles of Coca-Cola a day, stating before breakfast! But kids can't get a decent glass of milk. Adding vitamin D to milk is a risky business. The New England Journal of Medicine reported many cases of vitamin D intoxication resulting from excessive fortification of commercial milk. Today, you can't get a decent glass of milk. Even if you buy whole...
The Milk Book - How Science Is Destroying Nature's Neatly Perfect Food. Children are denied whole milk because pediatricians are obsessed with the cho...
El Poder Curativo de los Colores "?Est? loco!" "?Debe ser un charlat?n!" "?Qui?n le dio a este tipo su licencia m?dica?" "?Es un caso perdido!" En caso de que se ?ste preguntando, ?stas son las reacciones que probablemente obtenga si le muestra a su doctor este informe. Reconozco que la idea de sanar muchos padecimientos comunes simplemente exponi?ndolos a luces de colores suena exagerado, pero cuando estudie la evidencia, estar? de acuerdo que el color es realmetne un acontecimiento m?dico sorprendente. Cuando escuch? estas historias por primera vez, reaccion? de forma muy parecida. Pero la...
El Poder Curativo de los Colores "?Est? loco!" "?Debe ser un charlat?n!" "?Qui?n le dio a este tipo su licencia m?dica?" "?Es un caso perdido!" En cas...