The ene10sed ~roeeedings of the NATO Advaneed Study Institute held in September 1979 are intended to provide a eomprehensive introduetion to the development of semie1assiea1 methods for mo1eeu1ar seattering and speetroseopy over the past twenty years. Progress in the seattering field may be taken to date from the famous paper by Ford and Wheeler in 1959, and eoineidenta1ly the RKR teehnique for diatomie speetroseopy was rediseovered at roughly t~e' same time. Subsequent developments have e~hasised the insight to be gained by eombining elassica1 and quant~ meehaniea1 ideas in a wide variety of...
The ene10sed ~roeeedings of the NATO Advaneed Study Institute held in September 1979 are intended to provide a eomprehensive introduetion to the devel...
The ene10sed ~roeeedings of the NATO Advaneed Study Institute held in September 1979 are intended to provide a eomprehensive introduetion to the development of semie1assiea1 methods for mo1eeu1ar seattering and speetroseopy over the past twenty years. Progress in the seattering field may be taken to date from the famous paper by Ford and Wheeler in 1959, and eoineidenta1ly the RKR teehnique for diatomie speetroseopy was rediseovered at roughly t~e' same time. Subsequent developments have e~hasised the insight to be gained by eombining elassica1 and quant~ meehaniea1 ideas in a wide variety of...
The ene10sed ~roeeedings of the NATO Advaneed Study Institute held in September 1979 are intended to provide a eomprehensive introduetion to the devel...