The8thInternationalConferenceonReliableSoftwareTechnologies, Ada-Europe 2003, tookplaceinToulouse, France, June18 20,2003.ItwassponsoredbyAda- Europe, the European federation of national Ada societies, and Ada-France, in cooperation with ACM SIGAda. It was organized by members of Adalog, CS, UPS/IRIT and ONERA. Toulouse was certainly a very appropriate place for this conference. As the heart of the European aeronautic and space industry, it is a place where so- ware development leaves no place for failure. In the end, reliability is a matter of human skills. But these skills build upon...
The8thInternationalConferenceonReliableSoftwareTechnologies, Ada-Europe 2003, tookplaceinToulouse, France, June18 20,2003.ItwassponsoredbyAda- Europe,...