"Night Of The Harvest Moon: Vampyre" is a gothic horror narrative, one that delves deeply into the souls of its characters. The tale begins in the late 1800's in Central Europe, primarily Moldavia and Transylvania and expands to London and Sweden. Harvest Moon is a story of immense reprisals, hatred, and passion. Sorcery, demonology, and religion are essential elements that interweave within the physical and supernatural planes of existence of all those involved. The Vampyre learns of ancient knowledge that existed long before Egyptian civilization, the Ta Merians. The nosferatu also learns...
"Night Of The Harvest Moon: Vampyre" is a gothic horror narrative, one that delves deeply into the souls of its characters. The tale begins in the lat...
"Night Maze: A Journey into the Residue of Karma" is an all-encompassing gothic horror narrative that will take you down the ethereal path to many enchanting avenues of suspense-to the horrors of vampires, werewolves, devil worship, and to the ends of the universe.
Each character carries their own deep, dark shadows that lie within the reservoir of human existence and whose mentalities reach the many diversities of human kind. "Night Maze" is the story of the strangest beings that dwell within the darkest recesses of humankind.
Who are these strangers that hide in the shadows?
"Night Maze: A Journey into the Residue of Karma" is an all-encompassing gothic horror narrative that will take you down the ethereal path to many enc...
"Night Maze: A Journey into the Residue of Karma" is an all-encompassing gothic horror narrative that will take you down the ethereal path to many enchanting avenues of suspense-to the horrors of vampires, werewolves, devil worship, and to the ends of the universe.
Each character carries their own deep, dark shadows that lie within the reservoir of human existence and whose mentalities reach the many diversities of human kind. "Night Maze" is the story of the strangest beings that dwell within the darkest recesses of humankind.
Who are these strangers that hide in the shadows?
"Night Maze: A Journey into the Residue of Karma" is an all-encompassing gothic horror narrative that will take you down the ethereal path to many enc...