Typically, ASD high school graduates are unprepared for the transition to independence. Early, ongoing training in the social skills crucial to establishing successful adult relationships--in college, vocational school, residential living, or on the job--can help. He also guides readers through the legal, financial, educational, vocational, and community resources available after graduation. The essence of the book lies in the 73 -Skill Lessons- targeting:
nonverbal communication
anger/anxiety management
conversational skills
Typically, ASD high school graduates are unprepared for the transition to independence. Early, ongoing training in the social skills crucial to est...
Winner of an iParenting Media Award, this picture book appeals to the visual strengths of students on the autism spectrum, with color photos of students demonstrating various social skills in the correct (and sometimes incorrect) way. The skills depicted are meant to be read, role-played, corrected when necessary, role-played some more and, finally, to be practiced by the student in real-life social situations. -Thought bubbles- show what people are thinking during these interactions (not always what you hoped ). Practical, engaging, and down-to-earth, this is a valuable tool to help teens...
Winner of an iParenting Media Award, this picture book appeals to the visual strengths of students on the autism spectrum, with color photos of stu...
The digital world offers a wonderful way to communicate and socialize with others. Yet, it is also rife with the dangers of being victimized emotionally, physically, and financially. Trusting individuals with autism spectrum disorders, who are oftentimes socially isolated, are especially vulnerable to online predators. Finally, we have a resource to help prepare them for the minefields they may encounter on the Internet. In this much-needed book, Dr. Baker presents three main areas of concern for our kids: Cyber bullying Online sexual predators Internet scams Through Dr. Baker's invaluable...
The digital world offers a wonderful way to communicate and socialize with others. Yet, it is also rife with the dangers of being victimized emotional...
Your child may find it difficult to adapt to new surroundings and learning environments from time to time. School Shadow Guidelines helps guide your child to develop appropriate behaviors in school, establish an environment that helps to strengthen academic ability, and also build up on his/her social interaction skills with the goal of independence. Special needs children can benefit from having inclusive education to aid in their development and growth; this is where school shadowing serves vital roles.
Your child may find it difficult to adapt to new surroundings and learning environments from time to time. School Shadow Guidelines helps guide...