Inspired by the ancient Chinese proverb, "There's nothing you can own that can't be left out in the rain," this collection charts the journeys of the poet from 1947 to 1985. This book is unique among Gary Snyder's numerable works, and the poems contained here are as broad in style as the compilation is in timeframe. With a new introduction by the author, Left Out in the Rain captures the evolution of the poet and the man.
Readers will travel with Snyder from the American West to the Far East. From Berkeley to Kyoto, his imagery provides insight into the natural world as well as the...
Inspired by the ancient Chinese proverb, "There's nothing you can own that can't be left out in the rain," this collection charts the journeys of the ...
Ruth Fuller Sasaki, who died in 1967, was a pivotal figure in the emergence and development of Zen Buddhism in the United States. She is the only Westerner--and the only woman--to be made a priest of a Daitoku-ji temple and was mentor to Burton Watson, Philip Yampolsky, and Gary Snyder, and mother-in-law of Alan Watts. This is the first biography of her remarkable life.
Few devoted their lives to Zen Buddhism as Ruth Fuller did. As a senior student of Sokei-an Sasaki in New York, Ruth helped him develop the infrastructure of what would eventually become The First Zen Institute in New York...
Ruth Fuller Sasaki, who died in 1967, was a pivotal figure in the emergence and development of Zen Buddhism in the United States. She is the only West...
The first Trade Paperback edition of our recent bestseller with the poetry and journals of Gary Snyder, the woodcuts of Tom Killion, and the reflections of John Muir combining to present the power and beauty of this natonal treasure. Included are 28 exquisite full color and dozens of b&w woodcuts in the Japanese style.
The first Trade Paperback edition of our recent bestseller with the poetry and journals of Gary Snyder, the woodcuts of Tom Killion, and the reflectio...
The essence of Zen is contained here. First compiled in 16th and 17th century Japan, the sayings range from profound to mystifying to comical. A Zen Forest is, according to poet Gary Snyder, "the meeting place of the highest and the most humble: the great poets and the 'old women's sayings.'" Translator Soiku Shigematsu, abbot of Shogennji Zen Temple in Shimizu, Japan, has rendered the pieces into poetic English that illuminates some aspect of Zen, from satori to the meaning of enlightened activity. The words will open windows to the Zen world, while reminding us that "however...
The essence of Zen is contained here. First compiled in 16th and 17th century Japan, the sayings range from profound to mystifying to comical. A...
One of the central relationships in the Beat scene was the long-lasting friendship of Allen Ginsberg and Gary Snyder. Ginsberg introduced Snyder to the East Coast Beat writers, including Jack Kerouac, while Snyder himself became the model for the serious poet that Ginsberg so wanted to become. Snyder encouraged Ginsberg to explore the beauty of the West Coast and, even more lastingly, introduced Ginsberg to Buddhism, the subject of so many long letter exchanges between them.
Beginning in 1956 and continuing through 1995, the two men exchanged more than 850 letters. Bill Morgan, Ginsberg's...
One of the central relationships in the Beat scene was the long-lasting friendship of Allen Ginsberg and Gary Snyder. Ginsberg introduced Snyder to th...
**A San Francisco Chronicle Best Book of 2012** Lew Welch was a brilliant and troubled poet, legendary among his Beat peers. Ring of Bone collects poems, songs, and even a few drawings, documenting the full sweep of his creative output, from his early years until just before his death. This new edition includes a biographic timeline and a statement of poetics gleaned from Welch's own writing. Welch entered Reed College in 1948, and the following year moved into a house with Gary Snyder; they were soon joined by Philip Whalen. With the emergence of the Beat movement, Welch's...
**A San Francisco Chronicle Best Book of 2012** Lew Welch was a brilliant and troubled poet, legendary among his Beat peers. Ring of Bone c...
In this thoughtful, affectionate collection of interviews and letters spanning three decades, beloved poet Gary Snyder talks with South African writer and scholar Julia Martin. Over this period many things changed decisively--globally, locally, and in their personal lives--and these changing conditions provide the back story for a long conversation. It begins in the early 1980s as an intellectual exchange between an earnest graduate student and a generous distinguished writer, and becomes a long-distance friendship and an exploration of spiritual practice. At the project's heart is...
In this thoughtful, affectionate collection of interviews and letters spanning three decades, beloved poet Gary Snyder talks with South African writer...