Das Buch gibt einen kompakten, aber umfassenden Uberblick uber das Problemlosen und Programmieren mit "Constraints" (Randbedingungen). Diese aktuelle Programmiermethodik ermoglicht es, Aufgaben direkt zu formulieren und effizient zu losen. Sie gewinnt zusehends Bedeutung in Anwendungsbereichen wie Kombinatorische Suchprobleme (z.B. Zeitplanen, Layout-Optimierung), Berechnungen (Finanzanalyse), Simulation (Hardware-Verifikation) oder allgemein Schliessen und Rechnen mit ungenauer oder unvollstandiger Information (z.B. Kostenschatzung). Die theoretisch fundierte Darstellung mit Aufgaben und...
Das Buch gibt einen kompakten, aber umfassenden Uberblick uber das Problemlosen und Programmieren mit "Constraints" (Randbedingungen). Diese aktuelle ...
The use of constraints had its scientific and commercial breakthrough in the 1990s. Programming with constraints makes it possible to model and specify problems with uncertain, incomplete information and to solve combi- natorial problems, as they are abundant in industry and commerce, such as scheduling, planning, transportation, resource allocation, layout, design, and analysis. This book is a short, concise, and complete presentation of constraint programming and reasoning, covering theoretical foundations, algorithms, implementations, examples, and applications. It is based on more than a...
The use of constraints had its scientific and commercial breakthrough in the 1990s. Programming with constraints makes it possible to model and specif...
The use of constraints had its scientific and commercial breakthrough in the 1990s. Programming with constraints makes it possible to model and specify problems with uncertain, incomplete information and to solve combi- natorial problems, as they are abundant in industry and commerce, such as scheduling, planning, transportation, resource allocation, layout, design, and analysis. This book is a short, concise, and complete presentation of constraint programming and reasoning, covering theoretical foundations, algorithms, implementations, examples, and applications. It is based on more than a...
The use of constraints had its scientific and commercial breakthrough in the 1990s. Programming with constraints makes it possible to model and specif...