Until recently, the topic of female sexual offenders remained under-researched, and many incorrect assumptions and beliefs still surround the subject. This book is organised in to five parts around eleven chapters. It provides a comprehensive overview of the latest research in this often overlooked area and discusses both adult female offenders and adolescents/younger children who commit sexual offences against children. After an in-depth evaluation of research literature, the author then considers a range of treatment approaches and directions for future research.
Until recently, the topic of female sexual offenders remained under-researched, and many incorrect assumptions and beliefs still surround the subject....
Get this Amazon #1 Bestseller Today Special Discount of 2.99 regularly priced at 4.99 What you will learn today will open your eyes up to the world of Christ, you will easily understand the Bible and Carry Christ in your soul in the process Each morning you wake up, brush your teeth make breakfast and get ready for work. You do this every single day, with no thought about our lord and savior. You are in a rush to head off to work and get the day started. But have you ever stopped to wonder if there is a purpose to all this? Do you even get satisfaction after a long day of work? Do you see...
Get this Amazon #1 Bestseller Today Special Discount of 2.99 regularly priced at 4.99 What you will learn today will open your eyes up to the world of...
Get this Amazon #1 Bestseller Today Special Discount of 2.99 regularly priced at 4.99 What you will learn today will open your eyes up to the world of Christ, you will easily understand the Bible and Carry Christ in your soul in the process Each morning you wake up, brush your teeth make breakfast and get ready for work. You do this every single day, with no thought about our lord and savior. You are in a rush to head off to work and get the day started. But have you ever stopped to wonder if there is a purpose to all this? Do you even get satisfaction after a long day of work? Do you...
Get this Amazon #1 Bestseller Today Special Discount of 2.99 regularly priced at 4.99 What you will learn today will open your eyes up to the w...