"The Beatles: Live at 12 Cold Creek Street" is an engaging fictional account of the Fab Four set amidst the hysteria of 1960s Beatlemania. Laurie Donaldson, one of their most devoted fans, receives the shock of her life when the band arrives at her doorstep for an unexpected weekend visit. Besides dealing with a annoying younger sibling, a jealous boyfriend, two Beatle-infatuated best friends, and parents who don't understand the magnitude of the situation, Laurie gets a comical once-in-a-lifetime glimpse into the lives of John, Paul, George, and Ringo. This version of the novel is...
"The Beatles: Live at 12 Cold Creek Street" is an engaging fictional account of the Fab Four set amidst the hysteria of 1960s Beatlemania. Laurie Dona...