This work builds on the foundation of the Popol Vuh, the document that retraces in mythical language the four ages, or stages of civilization, that all of America has undergone to some degree. It also moves from the Popol Vuh into later times through myths and legends of the Aztec and Iroquois.
Myth and history are placed side by side in a scientific and imaginative approach that documents the correlation between pre-historical and historical periods and the spiritual events that ushered them in, as narrated in the myths and legends of North America. This approach reconciles Western...
This work builds on the foundation of the Popol Vuh, the document that retraces in mythical language the four ages, or stages of civilization, that al...
This volume follows the blueprint of its North American counterpart, Spiritual Turning Points of North American History. Whereas that volume follows the foundation of the Popol Vuh, this one retraces Andean myths from the Titicaca region and from later Inca tradition.
Myth and history are placed side by side in an approach both scientific and imaginative that documents the correlation between prehistorical and historical periods, as well as the spiritual events that ushered them in as narrated in Andean myths and legends. Myth and historical records reinforce each other, contrary...
This volume follows the blueprint of its North American counterpart, Spiritual Turning Points of North American History. Whereas that volume fo...
This book carries further what was brought in the previous book (Legends and Stories for a Compassionate America), from the present into the future. There is a thematic continuity between original Native American impulses (of the Iroquois in particular), the Declaration of Independence, the US Constitution, and a twenty-first century impulse that strives to radically and peacefully transform American society.
America is at a crossroads. We can choose a culture of denial, a growing politics of secrecy and the continual erosion of individual rights; or we can open the doors to...
This book carries further what was brought in the previous book (Legends and Stories for a Compassionate America), from the present into the...
Over the last decade the theme of the relationship between Rudolf Steiner and Karl Julius SchrOer has received growing attention. It has been said that Steiner's life task was that of spreading the spiritual-scientific understanding of karma and reincarna-tion. And Steiner himself told us that, had SchrOer being able to master intellectuali-ty, he could have offered anthroposophy to the world. If this is true, this is only the beginning of numerous questions. The lecture cycle Karmic Relationships, Volume 4, is at the heart of this explo-ration. In these lectures Steiner points us in the...
Over the last decade the theme of the relationship between Rudolf Steiner and Karl Julius SchrOer has received growing attention. It has been said ...
Il programmatore non valuta le proprie azioni nel tempo, le considera come un caos quantistico dal quale nascera la propria opera, poco importa se verra utilizzata una data metodologia, o se punti e virgole verranno aggiunti in un secondo tempo. Il programmatore non stabilisce mai rapporti tra causa ed effetto, dal momento che il proprio guscio di realta, reale ma anche virtuale, e definito, e definitivo, e aprioristico, e apodittico e assiomatico. Indiscutibile. Quindi, il programmatore non esiste Ma se il programmatore non esiste da dove provengono tutti i software piratati? A cosa mai...
Il programmatore non valuta le proprie azioni nel tempo, le considera come un caos quantistico dal quale nascera la propria opera, poco importa se ver...