The concept of entropy arose in the physical sciences during the nineteenth century, particularly in thermodynamics and statistical physics, as a measure of the equilibria and evolution of thermodynamic systems. Two main views developed: the macroscopic view formulated originally by Carnot, Clausius, Gibbs, Planck, and Caratheodory and the microscopic approach associated with Boltzmann and Maxwell. Since then both approaches have made possible deep insights into the nature and behavior of thermodynamic and other microscopically unpredictable processes. However, the mathematical tools used...
The concept of entropy arose in the physical sciences during the nineteenth century, particularly in thermodynamics and statistical physics, as a m...
J. -D Deuschel Jean-Dominique Deuschel Andreas Greven
1 2 Jean-Dominique Deuschel and Andreas Greven 1 Fakult] at II - Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften, Institut fur ] Mathematik, Technische Universit] at Berlin, Strasse des 17. Juni 136, D-10623 Berlin Tel. (0049 30) 314-25193, Fax: (0049 30) 314-21695 deuschel@math. tu-berlin. de 2 1 Mathematisches Institut, Bismarckstr. 1, D-91054 Erlangen, 2 Tel. (0049 9131) 85-22454, Fax (0049 9131) 85-26214 This volume collects original work and reviews on work in the ?eld of pro- bilitywhichtookplacewithintheframeworkoftheDFG-Schwerpunkt: Int- acting stochastic systems of high complexity. This research...
1 2 Jean-Dominique Deuschel and Andreas Greven 1 Fakult] at II - Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften, Institut fur ] Mathematik, Technische Universit] ...
This book constructs a rigorous framework for analysing selected phenomena in evolutionary theory of populations arising due to the combined effects of migration, selection and mutation in a spatial stochastic population model, namely the evolution towards fitter and fitter types through punctuated equilibria. The discussion is based on a number of new methods, in particular multiple scale analysis, nonlinear Markov processes and their entrance laws, atomic measure-valued evolutions and new forms of duality (for state-dependent mutation and multitype selection) which are used to prove ergodic...
This book constructs a rigorous framework for analysing selected phenomena in evolutionary theory of populations arising due to the combined effects o...
Topics covered include some jump processes in quantum field theory, the random walk representation for interactine diffusion processes, coupling, regularity and curvature and mathematical approaches to stochastic resonance.
Topics covered include some jump processes in quantum field theory, the random walk representation for interactine diffusion processes, coupling, regu...