Cornel West has called Myles Horton "an indescribably courageous and visionary white brother from Tennessee." Horton (1905-1990) cofounded the Highlander Folk School (now known as the Highlander Research and Education Center), an institution controversial from its beginnings. During the early labor movement, the Highlander School sponsored programs for both union organizers and rank-and-file members; the staff of Highlander saw education as a way to approach and work through problems. Issues of race were always important to the school, which became a beacon for the civil rights movement; its...
Cornel West has called Myles Horton "an indescribably courageous and visionary white brother from Tennessee." Horton (1905-1990) cofounded the Highlan...
CONTENTS OF COMPOSITION STUDIES 43.1 (Spring 2015) From the Editor Special Issue: Comics, Multimodality, and Composition, Dale Jacobs, Guest Editor Composing With: A Comic Strip Cover Story by Gary Weissman Composing the Uncollectible by Franny Howes ARTICLES: The Rhetoric of the Paneled Page: Comics and Composition Pedagogy by Gabriel Sealey-Morris Beyond Talking Heads: Sourced Comics and the Affordances of Multimodality by Hannah Dickinson and Maggie M. Werner Illustrating Praxis: Comic Composition, Narrative Rhetoric, and Critical Multiliteracies by Kathryn Comer The Work of Comics...
CONTENTS OF COMPOSITION STUDIES 43.1 (Spring 2015) From the Editor Special Issue: Comics, Multimodality, and Composition, Dale Jacobs, Guest Editor Co...