Regarded as one of Europe s most important poets of the late nineteenth century, Jacint Verdaguer (1845 1902) provided the modern poetic foundations for the reemergence of Catalan literature after three centuries of the language s suppression by Spain s absolutist monarchs. Verdaguer s popular epic, civil, and religious verse poeticized the unique status of Catalonian tradition, progress, and history in the Romantic framework of European nation-building. " Selected Poems" is the first book-length translation of Verdaguer s works into English. Ronald Puppo offers readable and faithful...
Regarded as one of Europe s most important poets of the late nineteenth century, Jacint Verdaguer (1845 1902) provided the modern poetic foundations f...
Canigo es un poema epic de 1886 escrit per Jacint Verdaguer que constitueix un dels poemes clau de la Renaixenca catalana. Aquest poema, que es un llibre, conte una descripcio geografica dels Pirineus catalans que es desenvolupa a traves de la figura mitica del Comte Tallaferro, un valent i ferotge lluitador contra els sarrains. El mite esta basat en el personatge historic Bernat Tallaferro. Aquesta historia, en la que apareixen tambe elements mitologics, esta situada al segle XI de l'edat mitjana, a l'epoca que els catalans patien invasions musulmanes."
Canigo es un poema epic de 1886 escrit per Jacint Verdaguer que constitueix un dels poemes clau de la Renaixenca catalana. Aquest poema, que es un lli...
L'Atlantida (1877) es un poema de Jacint Verdaguer format per 10 cants, una introduccio i una conclusio, que narra les peripecies d'Heracles per Iberia, l'enfonsament del continent dels atlants, la creacio del Mar Mediterrani i el final descobriment de les Ameriques. En la introduccio narra com Colom, encara jove, despres d'un naufragi arriba a les costes peninsulars i un ermita li explica la historia de l'enfonsament de l'Atlantida. La conclusio del poema inclou el pressentiment de Colom de la futura descoberta d'America."
L'Atlantida (1877) es un poema de Jacint Verdaguer format per 10 cants, una introduccio i una conclusio, que narra les peripecies d'Heracles per Iberi...
Catalonia's towering Romantic poet and rebel priest, Jacint Verdaguer (1845-1902), delves deep into the Catalan imaginary in his foundational long poem Mount Canigo (1886), recounting the historical and legendary mix, both tragic and triumphant, of the medieval origins of modern Catalonia. The collision between duty and love is mirrored by the symbolic conflict between, on the one hand, a powerful folk mythology rooted in the natural geography and, on the other, the widely institutionalized universalism of Christianity concomitant to the reconquest of the Iberian peninsula. Rich in lyrical...
Catalonia's towering Romantic poet and rebel priest, Jacint Verdaguer (1845-1902), delves deep into the Catalan imaginary in his foundational long poe...
Stan bardzo dobry - książka była czytana, ale jeszcze długo posłuży innym czytelnikom. Ma ślady używania - otwierania i kartkowania, rysy, zabrudzenia. Wygląda jak książka, którą wypożyczasz w bibliotece. Regarded as one of Europe s most important poets of the late nineteenth century, Jacint Verdaguer (1845 1902) provided the modern poetic foundations for the reemergence of Catalan literature after three centuries of the language s suppression by Spain s absolutist monarchs. Verdaguer s popular epic, civil, and religious verse poeticized the unique status of Catalonian...
Stan bardzo dobry - książka była czytana, ale jeszcze długo posłuży innym czytelnikom. Ma ślady używania - otwierania i kartkowania, rysy, zab...