In contrast to any talk of "the death of the cinema," this title pronounces the art form alive and well, and still developing in new and unforeseen directions. Using transnational discussions and debates, it shows why the idea of cinephilia is just as relevant today as it ever was.
In contrast to any talk of "the death of the cinema," this title pronounces the art form alive and well, and still developing in new and unforeseen di...
Reflecting upon his experience making his 2010 feature film Mothers, a cinematic triptych interweaving three narratives that are each, in their own way, about the often tenuous lines between truth and fiction, and one of which actually morphs into a documentary about the aftermath in a small Macedonian town where three retired cleaning women were found raped and killed in 2008 and the murderer turned out to be the journalist covering the story for a major Macedonian newspaper, the Oscar-nominated Macedonian-born and New York-based writer-director Milcho Manchevski writes that, "Most of us...
Reflecting upon his experience making his 2010 feature film Mothers, a cinematic triptych interweaving three narratives that are each, in their own wa...
Styles of filmmaking have changed greatly from classical Hollywood through to our digital era. So, too, have the ways in which film critics and scholars have analysed these transformations in film style. This book explores two central style concepts, mise en scene and dispositif, to illuminate a wide range of film and new media examples.
Styles of filmmaking have changed greatly from classical Hollywood through to our digital era. So, too, have the ways in which film critics and schola...
Onde se encontra a analise filmica hoje? O que e que a teoria de cinema anda a desenvolver na obscuridade? Este campo, tal como foi definido profissionalmente (pelo menos no mundo academico anglo-saxonico), encontra-se actualmente dividido entre historiadores interessados no contexto das grandes formacoes da modernidade e connoisseurs que reclamam o regresso estilistico de coisas antiquadas como a visao autoral, o tom ou a mise-en-scene. Mas ha tambem outras correntes, vitais e inventivas - na critica, na internet, em pequenas revistas, em conferencias renegadas um pouco por todo o lado -,...
Onde se encontra a analise filmica hoje? O que e que a teoria de cinema anda a desenvolver na obscuridade? Este campo, tal como foi definido profissio...
Loss of biodiversity is one of the great environmental challenges facing humanity but unfortunately efforts to reduce the rate of loss have so far failed. At the same time, these efforts have too often resulted in unjust social outcomes in which people living in or near to areas designated for conservation lose access to their territories and resources. In this book the author argues that our approach to biodiversity conservation needs to be more strongly informed by a concern for and understanding of social justice issues.
Injustice can be a driver of biodiversity loss and a barrier to...
Loss of biodiversity is one of the great environmental challenges facing humanity but unfortunately efforts to reduce the rate of loss have so far fai...
Loss of biodiversity is one of the great environmental challenges facing humanity but unfortunately efforts to reduce the rate of loss have so far failed. At the same time, these efforts have too often resulted in unjust social outcomes in which people living in or near to areas designated for conservation lose access to their territories and resources. In this book the author argues that our approach to biodiversity conservation needs to be more strongly informed by a concern for and understanding of social justice issues.
Injustice can be a driver of biodiversity loss and a barrier to...
Loss of biodiversity is one of the great environmental challenges facing humanity but unfortunately efforts to reduce the rate of loss have so far fai...
Donde se encuentra el analisis cinematografico hoy? Que esta haciendo, en la oscuridad, la teoria del cine? Este campo, tal y como ha sido definido profesionalmente (por lo menos en el mundo academico anglo-americano), esta dividido actualmente entre los historiadores interesados en el contexto social que examinan las grandes formaciones de la modernidad, y los expertos en el estilo que reclaman la vuelta de cosas pasadas de moda como la vision autoral, el tono, y la puesta en escena. Pero hay tambien otras corrientes, vitales e inventivas, de las que apenas estamos oyendo nada en ninguno de...
Donde se encuentra el analisis cinematografico hoy? Que esta haciendo, en la oscuridad, la teoria del cine? Este campo, tal y como ha sido definido pr...