This satirical novel puts Africa's new universities squarely in the dock. While the ordinary people of Africa fight the harsh elements of their ruthless colonial oppressors in order to survive, the University ilite, both students and lecturers, appear to fritter away the nation's time and money. Austin Bukenya remorselessly pillories 'The University' as an irrelevance, a terrible waste of time and opportunity. Neither paper Socialism nor paper bachelors can solve the problems of Africa. The author, brilliantly humorous and bitingly frank, attacks the artificial pretentiousness of African...
This satirical novel puts Africa's new universities squarely in the dock. While the ordinary people of Africa fight the harsh elements of their ruthle...
This latest contribution of the Kenya Oral Literature Association to explorations in oral literature is multi-disciplinary in approach. It includes a wide-ranging selection of papers from twelve Kenyan literary scholars, linguists, educationists, material culture specialists, and historians. The central questions addressed are why oral literature should be taught, what should be included, and how it should be taught. Amongst the topics covered are translation problems, understanding proverbs, oral narrative as discourse, the use of audio visual aids in teaching, general and the politics of...
This latest contribution of the Kenya Oral Literature Association to explorations in oral literature is multi-disciplinary in approach. It includes a ...