If you keep on doing what you're doing, you're likely to keep on getting what you're getting. If you do nothing, nothing will happen. If you do something, something may happen. Here's how to do "something" so you won't keep on getting what you're getting
Raymon Grace, mountain man, dowser, healer, and font of folk wisdom, has written a book filled with down-home stories of what happens when real people use their personal power to heal themselves and take charge of their lives. Included here are stories of spontaneous healings, space clearing, the...
If you keep on doing what you're doing, you're likely to keep on getting what you're getting. If you do nothing...
Presented here is a revolutionary healing system that goes beyond just asking your pendulum questions. Detailed step-by-step instructions take all the guesswork out and guides you to success. You will develop a solid foundation in pendulum healing while being able to incorporate it with any other healing modality you may already practice. This book is the ultimate source of information on the subject and suitable for both beginning and advanced healers. In this book you will learn: - The difference between pendulum healing and dowsing - The energetics of pendulum healing and the mysterious...
Presented here is a revolutionary healing system that goes beyond just asking your pendulum questions. Detailed step-by-step instructions take all the...
Aqui se presenta un sistema revolucionario de sanacion que va mas alla de solo hacerle preguntas a su pendulo. Las Instrucciones detalladas se dan paso a paso y se eliminan todas las conjeturas, guiandole hacia el exito. Usted desarrollara una base solida en la sanacion con pendulos, capaz de incorporarla a cualquier otra modalidad de sanacion que usted haya practicado. Este libro es la ultima fuente de informacion sobre el tema y es adecuado tanto para principiantes como para sanadores avanzados. En este libro usted aprendera - La diferencia entre la sanacion con pendulos y la radiestesia -...
Aqui se presenta un sistema revolucionario de sanacion que va mas alla de solo hacerle preguntas a su pendulo. Las Instrucciones detalladas se dan pas...