Tissue engineering as a technology and as a therapeutic has captured worldwide attention and commitmentbecause it has such potential in the care of humanity. Because we are not as yet able to craft robust three dimensional vascular and ductal structures to support the development of complex parenchymal organs, the initial focus of the field has been on thin tissues that can be nourished by diffusion alone.The best example of this class is cartilage. Thought by some to be a relatively simple tissue in the early days of tissue engineering, deep study of this tissue has shown it to manifest...
Tissue engineering as a technology and as a therapeutic has captured worldwide attention and commitmentbecause it has such potential in the care of hu...
Osteomyelitis, Gelenkempyeme, Spondylodiscitis und periprothetische Infektionen - septische Krankheitsbilder sind in der Orthopadischen Chirurgie gefurchtet. Nur wenige Zentren haben grosse Erfahrung, so dass Arzt und Patient haufig gleichermassen verunsichert sind. Dabei bietet die Kombination von speziellen Operationstechniken mit gezieltem Antibiotikaeinsatz in den meisten Fallen gute Erfolgsaussichten. Voraussetzung dafur ist es, die verschiedenen Behandlungsmoglichkeiten zu kennen und in der jeweiligen Situation konsequent einzusetzen. In diesem Buch sind die Therapiekonzepte...
Osteomyelitis, Gelenkempyeme, Spondylodiscitis und periprothetische Infektionen - septische Krankheitsbilder sind in der Orthopadischen Chirurgie g...