Fantasy Pieces examines from several vantage points a vital life-force of Robert Schumann's music, namely metrical conflict. Harald Krebs's imaginative yet rigorous study makes use of Schumann's fascinating projections of his own personality--the characters Florestan and Eusebius--as one means of addressing the biographical and aesthetic context of the music. In counterpoint with the remarks of these personae, Krebs develops an original theory of metrical conflict by adapting the concepts of consonance and dissonance to metrical analysis. He investigates how states of metrical...
Fantasy Pieces examines from several vantage points a vital life-force of Robert Schumann's music, namely metrical conflict. Harald Krebs's i...
Josephine Lang (1815-80) was one of the most gifted, respected, prolific, and widely published song composers of the nineteenth century, yet her life and works have remained virtually unknown. Now, this carefully researched, compelling, and poignant study recognizes the composer for her remarkable accomplishments. Based on years of study of unpublished letters, musical autographs, reviews, and the autobiographical poetry of Lang's husband, Reinhold Kostlin, the biographical portions of the book offer a stunning portrait of the composer as a woman and an artist. In-depth musical...
Josephine Lang (1815-80) was one of the most gifted, respected, prolific, and widely published song composers of the nineteenth century, yet her life ...
In der Sektoruntersuchung Stromerzeugung/Stromgrosshandel halt das Bundeskartellamt an dem Konzept des sogenannten Erstabsatzmarktes fest. Die Autoren stellen die Diskrepanz zwischen dem der Marktabgrenzung zugrundeliegenden und dem tatsachlichen Marktgeschehen und die daraus resultierende Fehlerhaftigkeit der Marktabgrenzung des Amtes dar. Die im Rahmen der Sektoruntersuchung entwickelte, auf ein okonometrisches Instrument gestutzte Rechtsfigur der Einzelmarktbeherrschung durch mehrere Unternehmen erscheint weder rechtlich noch okonomisch tragfahig. Methodische Defizite treten hinzu. Daher...
In der Sektoruntersuchung Stromerzeugung/Stromgrosshandel halt das Bundeskartellamt an dem Konzept des sogenannten Erstabsatzmarktes fest. Die Autoren...