Cultures of Voting in Pre-modern Europe explores those political practices and values that could be termed 'cultures of voting' and how they shaped intra- and inter-communal relationships. The book explores this across different contexts of voting, including both elections and methods of reaching collective political decisions. It combines traditional constitutional history with social and cultural history, the history of material culture and of political thought. It excavates the influence of ancient models and traditions on medieval and early modern polities and questions how far...
Cultures of Voting in Pre-modern Europe explores those political practices and values that could be termed 'cultures of voting' and how the...
Electing the Pope in Early Modern Italy, 1450-1700 offers a radical reassessment of the history of early modern papacy, constructed through the first major analytical treatment of papal elections in English. Papal elections, with their ceremonial pomp and high drama, are compelling theater, but, until now, no one has analyzed them on the basis of the problems they created for cardinals: how were they to agree rules and enforce them? How should they manage the interregnum? How did they decide for whom to vote? How was the new pope to assert himself over a group of men who, until just...
Electing the Pope in Early Modern Italy, 1450-1700 offers a radical reassessment of the history of early modern papacy, constructed through t...