OUTDOOR NOT INDOOR. What any person can do, like Jesus, John the Baptist, Peter, Paul, the Prophets. And others. You see them all across America, unannounced, uninvited, unsponsored, and underfunded; seizing the time and minds of the masses, from coast to coast and nation to nation, on university campuses, at events and in the streets. Outdoor, open air preachers boldly proclaiming the Gospel. Carrying the same kinds of signs and banners, wearing bold, clearly-read Christian T-shirts. Their numbers seem to be growing with each passing year, with no apparent way of stopping them. Who are these...
OUTDOOR NOT INDOOR. What any person can do, like Jesus, John the Baptist, Peter, Paul, the Prophets. And others. You see them all across America, unan...
In a world where distraction from reality are predominate such as television, computers, recreation and entertainment, James Webber offers excitement in Biblical exploration. God has provided a guide for mankind to best know Him and enjoy life. Many over the centuries have intentionally or unintentionally misdirected people from being able to correctly follow God's Guide - The Bible MR. Webber's latest book, Word Power, is his attempt to make a defense against abuses and confusion promoted by many. Mr. Webber is aware that he also could be wrong on some conclusions, which is why the intent is...
In a world where distraction from reality are predominate such as television, computers, recreation and entertainment, James Webber offers excitement ...
In a world where distraction from reality are predominate such as television, computers, recreation and entertainment, James Webber offers excitement in Biblical exploration. God has provided a guide for mankind to best know Him and enjoy life. Many over the centuries have intentionally or unintentionally misdirected people from being able to correctly follow God's Guide - The Bible MR. Webber's latest book, Word Power, is his attempt to make a defense against abuses and confusion promoted by many. Mr. Webber is aware that he also could be wrong on some conclusions, which is why the intent is...
In a world where distraction from reality are predominate such as television, computers, recreation and entertainment, James Webber offers excitement ...
One person's philosophy is to build, another to destroy. One is to help humanity, another to exploit humanity. One may center around work while another around pleasure. One may promote freedom while another oppression. One gives, another takes. This is the world we live in. Why are there such extreme differences in the way people think and act? The purpose of this book is to provoke thinking, and to offer alternatives to consider for your own personal philosophy. JAMES WEBBER
One person's philosophy is to build, another to destroy. One is to help humanity, another to exploit humanity. One may center around work while anothe...
Have you ever wondered about the End Times and just what is going to happen? A new look at when the Jerusalem Temple will be constructed is now available. Inside you'll find answers to many of the questions that have often been overlooked by Scholars. This Book offers a new chronological order of End Time events. It deals with the Rapture of the Church and the restoration of Israel to God and the building of their Temple. You'll discover answers to some very difficult questions concerning the Millennium. Surely, you will find this one of the most thought provoking and profound Books you have...
Have you ever wondered about the End Times and just what is going to happen? A new look at when the Jerusalem Temple will be constructed is now availa...
Home Bible studies are a wonderful way to fulfill the great commission. They will not only give others a deeper understanding of God's Word but will enrich your life as well. Many are surprised at the effectiveness of home Bible studies. Those that attend often invite others to come which is a blessing. If you want to see lives change right before your eyes, then home Bible studies are for you. This book offers some ready made, proven studies that are geared to move a person from the milk of the Word right into the meat of the Word. It's easy. All you have to do is read the lessons and have...
Home Bible studies are a wonderful way to fulfill the great commission. They will not only give others a deeper understanding of God's Word but will e...
The following are two absurd examples that represent bits and pieces of many people's often unspoken understanding of prayer. When you pray, you are doing so because it's the eternal plan for your life. Therefore, the things you pray for will come about, if they are meant to be. This is God's Sovereignty. Do not concern yourself in regard to your lack of prayers or the effectualness of your prayers simply because, what is meant to be, will be. If you were meant to pray more you would. If things were meant to change for you as a result of your prayers, they would. Just keep the faith. In...
The following are two absurd examples that represent bits and pieces of many people's often unspoken understanding of prayer. When you pray, you are d...
In past times people would carve gods out of wood or stone, now days they often carve them out of their own imaginations. Many Christians frequently do this by preferring certain verses from the Bible, while ignoring others. Our goal should not be to make a God to fit our own desires, but rather to properly believe and represent the true God revealed within the Scriptures. This book hopefully will provoke the reader to consider more deeply the true nature of God. JAMES WEBBER
In past times people would carve gods out of wood or stone, now days they often carve them out of their own imaginations. Many Christians frequently d...
In a world where distraction from reality are predominate such as television, computers, recreation and entertainment, James Webber offers excitement in Biblical exploration. God has provided a guide for mankind to best know Him and enjoy life. Many over the centuries have intentionally or unintentionally misdirected people from being able to correctly follow God's Guide - The Bible MR. Webber's latest book, Bible Power #2, is his attempt to make a defense against abuses and confusion promoted by many. Mr. Webber is aware that he also could be wrong on some conclusions, which is why the...
In a world where distraction from reality are predominate such as television, computers, recreation and entertainment, James Webber offers excitement ...