Gender Communication Theories and Analyses: From Silence to Performance surveys the field of gender and communication with a particular focus on feminist communication theories and methods - from structuralism to poststructuralism. In this text, authors Charlotte Krolokke and Ann Scott Sorensen help readers develop analytic focus and knowledge about their underlying assumptions that gender communication scholars use in their work.
Gender Communication Theories and Analyses: From Silence to Performance surveys the field of gender and communication with a particular focus on femin...
Contemporary Gender Communication Theories and Analyses surveys the field of gender and communication with a particular focus on gender and communication theories and methods. How have theories about gender and communication evolved and been influenced by first-, second-, and third-wave feminisms? And similarly, how have feminist communication scholars been inspired by existing methods and aspired to generate their own? The goal of this text is to help readers develop analytic focus and knowledge about their underlying assumptions that gender communication scholars use in their work. The...
Contemporary Gender Communication Theories and Analyses surveys the field of gender and communication with a particular focus on gender and communicat...
In recent decades the concept of kinship has been challenged and reinvigorated by the so-called "repatriation of anthropology" and by the influence of feminist studies, queer studies, adoption studies, and science and technology studies. These interdisciplinary approaches have been further developed by increases in infertility, reproductive travel, and the emergence of critical movements among transnational adoptees, all of which have served to question how kinship is now practiced. Critical Kinship Studies brings together theoretical and disciplinary perspectives and analytically sensitive...
In recent decades the concept of kinship has been challenged and reinvigorated by the so-called "repatriation of anthropology" and by the influence of...
In recent decades the concept of kinship has been challenged and reinvigorated by the so-called "repatriation of anthropology" and by the influence of feminist studies, queer studies, adoption studies, and science and technology studies. These interdisciplinary approaches have been further developed by increases in infertility, reproductive travel, and the emergence of critical movements among transnational adoptees, all of which have served to question how kinship is now practiced. Critical Kinship Studies brings together theoretical and disciplinary perspectives and analytically sensitive...
In recent decades the concept of kinship has been challenged and reinvigorated by the so-called "repatriation of anthropology" and by the influence of...