A colorful tale of ancient Cherokee legends, magic, and the beings known as the Immortals-the creators of the world. A spell-binding fantasy.
Years after the events of 'The Promised One', Shonan is chief of his people and refuses to allow his family to use magic, a magic that he blames for a great loss. But his son, Aku, inherited his mother's shape-shifting ability and longs to use his gift for the tribe.
Just as he begins to learn his power, he encounters a violent tribe called the Brown Leaf People and he is forced on a quest to the Darkening Land, the underworld, to save...
A colorful tale of ancient Cherokee legends, magic, and the beings known as the Immortals-the creators of the world. A spell-binding fantasy.
Adventure, drama, emotion, magic, imagination, mysticism, insight into prehistoric peoples-this book is an amazing ride into the unknown " Tony Hillerman. The Promised One is a magnificent retelling of a Cherokee legend. It brings to life an ancient people and a time of magic in a warm and intimate storyteller's voice. A young Shaman of the Galayi people has had a powerful and frightening vision: it is of the Eagle Feather Cape, the gift of the Thunderbird, which is worn by the Seer of the People to see the future and gain the guidance of the gods. The cape is torn and...
Adventure, drama, emotion, magic, imagination, mysticism, insight into prehistoric peoples-this book is an amazing ride into the unknown " ...
Blevins succeeds in weaving humor, zany characters, and the occult into an entertaining mystery with serious undertones.- -Publisher's Weekly -... Meredith Blevins is a magician who changes words into music.- Margaret Coel, NY Times Bestselling Author -Great plot and insight into Gypsy culture - Library Journal, starred review.
The spicy Szabo women would like to kick back with a lover, a good movie, and a few laughs, but life has something else in mind. One meeting with an extraordinary boy leads them headlong into another wild, and hair-raising,...
Blevins succeeds in weaving humor, zany characters, and the occult into an entertaining mystery with serious undertones.- -Publisher's Weekly...