'Managing Finance' has been designed both to enable managers to use accounting in the management of their business and to show how this can be done in a socially responsible way.
'Managing Finance' has been designed both to enable managers to use accounting in the management of their business and to show how this can be done in...
G. Lafferranderie D. Crowther Gabriel Lafferranderie
This book is neither a historical treatise on the genesis and development of space law, nor a survey of the corpus, nor even a work of legal makebelieve, but simply an essay pursuing a line of enquiry opened up by the members of the European Centre for Space Law. It sets out to chart future trends in the light of the emergence of space law as a branch of international law and of the development of space activities themselves (new activities, new players, interpenetration of space law and national laws), a branch in which the rules and forms of international cooperation acquire a new...
This book is neither a historical treatise on the genesis and development of space law, nor a survey of the corpus, nor even a work of legal makebelie...
It is a very special honour for me to be able to present this handbook of medical oncology, which under diverse headings and origins covers such a vast spectrum of experience. I be lieve the reader will be struck in particular by the impressive volume of information available, especially with regard to childhood tumours, which represent, today, an immense "lab oratory of hope." It is in this very field that we oncologists have been able to obtain the most consoling results in recent years. I feel sure that all those who read these chapters will find that their oncological competence is...
It is a very special honour for me to be able to present this handbook of medical oncology, which under diverse headings and origins covers such a vas...
Managing Finance is developed from tried and tested materials that are easy to read and work is written from a managerial perspective for general managers on executive or MBA courses. The text focuses on accounting from the viewpoint of the needs of managers for financial information and understanding. Scenarios and examples are included that demonstrate a socially responsible approach.Business Scenarios are presented at the opening of each chapter and this is then used to explore the topics covered given at the start of the chapter. This approach is very appealing to people with business...
Managing Finance is developed from tried and tested materials that are easy to read and work is written from a managerial perspective for general mana...