Notes from the Underground, by Dostoyevsky, Fyodor - Akasha Classics, AkashaPublishing.Com - Dostoyevsky, Fyodor gives us a searing portrayal of a soul in torment. Written from the point of view of an un-named protagonist, Notes from the Underground charts one man's descent into a world of alienation, where even the offer of redemption through love is rejected in favor of cruelty. Laying down themes that would be picked up in his later novels, Dostoyevsky presents us with the ultimate anti-hero and offers a caution against romantic notions of a solitary existence. The 'underground man', as he...
Notes from the Underground, by Dostoyevsky, Fyodor - Akasha Classics, AkashaPublishing.Com - Dostoyevsky, Fyodor gives us a searing portrayal of a sou...
The short works of Dostoevsky exist in the very large shadow of his astonishing longer novels, but they too are among literature's most revered works and offer keys to understanding the themes in his longer works. Contained in this volume are the short stories "White Nights," "A Disgraceful Affair," and "The Dream of the Ridiculous Man," three of Dostoevsky's most troubling, moving, and poignant works.
Alongside A DISGRACEFUL AFFAIR, Harper Perennial will publish the short fiction of Stephen Crane, Herman Melville, Willa Cather, Leo Tolstoy, and Oscar Wilde to be packaged in a...
The short works of Dostoevsky exist in the very large shadow of his astonishing longer novels, but they too are among literature's most revered wor...
Notes from Underground is a study of a single character, and a revelation of Dostoyevsky's own deepest beliefs. In this work we follow the unnamed narrator of the story, who, disillusioned by the oppression and corruption of the society in which he lives withdraws from that society into the underground. On the surface this is a story of one man's rant against a corrupt, oppressive society, but this philosophical book also explores the deeper themes of alienation, torment and hatred.
Notes from Underground is a study of a single character, and a revelation of Dostoyevsky's own deepest beliefs. In this work we follow the unnamed nar...
The Grand Inquisitor is a passage taken from Fyodor Dostoevsky's novel, The Brothers Karamazov. The story is a parable told by one brother, Ivan, to the other, Alyosha. Ivan is exploring the possibility that there is a personal benevolent God, and Aloysha, a monk is questioning his brothers thoughts on this.
The Grand Inquisitor is a passage taken from Fyodor Dostoevsky's novel, The Brothers Karamazov. The story is a parable told by one brother, Ivan, to t...
This edition of one of the world's greatest novels--the classic story of justice, morality, and redemption set in19th-century Russia--features a new Afterword and a brand-new package. Revised reissue.
This edition of one of the world's greatest novels--the classic story of justice, morality, and redemption set in19th-century Russia--features a new A...
Russian novelist, Fyodor Dostevsky, was a fiction writer best known for his novel Crime and Punishment. His work explores political and social 19th century Russia. He was interested in spirituality and psychology. His work sparked the existentialist movement in the early 20 th century. This 1846 first novel of Dostovesky's was written in the form of correspondences between two cousins. As the reader delves deeper into the letters more is revealed about their lives.
Russian novelist, Fyodor Dostevsky, was a fiction writer best known for his novel Crime and Punishment. His work explores political and social 19th ce...
A classic by a Russian master Prince Myshkin, the idiot, is an almost comically innocent Christ figure in a land of sinners, one whose faith in beauty contrasts sharply with that of his society's.
A classic by a Russian master Prince Myshkin, the idiot, is an almost comically innocent Christ figure in a land of sinners, one whose fa...
Based on the 1875 novel by Fyodor Dostoyevsky, A Raw Youth is a drama of love, jealousy, death, and family relationships in a dissolute Russian society.
Based on the 1875 novel by Fyodor Dostoyevsky, A Raw Youth is a drama of love, jealousy, death, and family relationships in a dissolute Russian societ...
This edition preserves the excellent translation done by Constance Garnett, but with updated spelling and punctuation to meet the expectations of modern eyes. You will find this book easily readable and will readily enjoy the epic story within. ---Excerpt--- Raskolnikov was not used to crowds, and, as we said before, he avoided society of every sort, more especially of late. But now all at once he felt a desire to be with other people. Something new seemed to be taking place within him, and with it he felt a sort of thirst for company. He was so weary after a whole month of concentrated...
This edition preserves the excellent translation done by Constance Garnett, but with updated spelling and punctuation to meet the expectations of mode...
Crime and Punishment is a novel by the Russian author Fyodor Dostoevsky, first published in 1866. It was written after Dostoevsky's return from five years of exile in Siberia, where he was serving his sentence in camps similar to those of the infamous Soviet Gulag. Crime and Punishment deals with the mental anguish and moral dilemmas of Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikove, a poor ex-student from St. Pertersburg who designs and executes a plan to kill an unscrupulous pawnbroker for her money. Raskolnikov reasons that with the pawnbroker's money he can perform good deeds to counterbalance crime,...
Crime and Punishment is a novel by the Russian author Fyodor Dostoevsky, first published in 1866. It was written after Dostoevsky's return from five y...