Constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Information and Communications Security, ICICS 2005, held in Beijing, China in December 2005. This book features papers that are organized in topical sections on fair exchange, digital signatures, cryptographic protocols, cryptanalysis, network security, and more.
Constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Information and Communications Security, ICICS 2005, held in Beijing, Chin...
The 2003 Information Security Conference was the sixth in a series that started with the InformationSecurity Workshopin 1997.A distinct feature of this series is the wide coverage of topics with the aim of encouraging interaction between researchers in di?erent aspects of information security. This trend continued in the program of this year s conference. There were 133 paper submissions to ISC 2003. From these submissions the 31papersintheseproceedingswereselectedbytheprogramcommittee, covering a wide range of technical areas. These papers are supplemented by two invited...
The 2003 Information Security Conference was the sixth in a series that started with the InformationSecurity Workshopin 1997.A distinct feature of thi...