Profits in tough times require prioritization and focus. If properly managed, Six Sigma methods can deliver dramatic improvement by increasing manufacturing and process efficiencies. But nearly 60% of all corporate Six Sigma initiatives fail to yield the desired results -- often companies take the "fighting fires" approach to business and do not take time to understand what the data in telling them, which is why many Six Sigma projects fail.
The high-visibility of the Six Sigma Initiative has corporate executives committing to significant investment in resources often without any tangible...
Profits in tough times require prioritization and focus. If properly managed, Six Sigma methods can deliver dramatic improvement by increasing manufac...
Filled with performance-measuring techniques that can be used throughout a corporation, the Second Edition of Six Sigma Business Scorecard continues to be a proven tool for gauging and ensuring success in today's complex business environment.
This guidebook was designed to translate an organization's mission and business strategies into performance measures and operating objectives. Widely used around the world, it has become the linchpin of an integrated approach to taking the Six Sigma program of any company to the next level.
Ensure Sustained Profitable...
Filled with performance-measuring techniques that can be used throughout a corporation, the Second Edition of Six Sigma Business Scorecard c...
Exploring the Six Sigma methodologies and its implementation in various industries, this text offers practical information for successful implementation as well as what is needed to plan, monitor and steer this business strategy toward success.
Exploring the Six Sigma methodologies and its implementation in various industries, this text offers practical information for successful implementati...
Stat Free Six Sigma has been written to ease implantation of Six Sigma by minimizing statistics, and to achieve great results through innovative application. Unique features of the book include 1. No cumbersome statistics, hypothesis testing, and statistics tables; 2 Stat Free DMAIC Tool Matrix; and 3. Key Executive Tools. The table of contents includes Introduction, Six Sigma Background, Understanding Six Sigma, Stat Free Six Sigma Tools, Stat Free Six Sigma Measurements, Six Sigma and Innovation, and Making Six Sigma Work. To order multiple copies, or receive bulk discount, please visit...
Stat Free Six Sigma has been written to ease implantation of Six Sigma by minimizing statistics, and to achieve great results through innovative appli...
The Business Innovation book, with Foreword by Dipak Jain, Dean, Kellogg School of Management, provides a framework for process of innovation in corporations for introducing new products, services, or solutions faster.** Features -- Powerful new framework called Brinnovation; Types of innovation: Fundament, Platform, Derivative, and Variation; Management of Innovation; Measures of innovation.** Table of Contents -- Part I. Evolving Innovation -- History, Tools, creativity, innovation on demand; Part II. Understanding Innovation -- Brain processes, Framework, Deployment, Measures; Part III....
The Business Innovation book, with Foreword by Dipak Jain, Dean, Kellogg School of Management, provides a framework for process of innovation in corpo...
While others talk about the known innovation problem, The Innovation Solution offers a well researched, logical and holistic understanding of the innovation process, taught for many years at several colleges and Universities. The Twenty-first century requires twenty first century solutions. In this groundbreaking book, Praveen Gupta provides an easy to understand, powerful innovation framework for anyone interested in learning about innovation and striving for success at the personal or organizational level. But more than that, it demonstrates that innovation skills can be taught and learned...
While others talk about the known innovation problem, The Innovation Solution offers a well researched, logical and holistic understanding of the inno...
La soluciOn de la InnovaciOn ofrece un mEtodo muy bien investigado, lOgico y holIstico para comprender el proceso de innovaciOn, dicho mEtodo, a sido enseNado durante muchos aNos en varias universidades y colegios. El siglo veintiuno requiere soluciones del siglo veintiuno. En su libro asombroso, Praveen Gupta provee una un poderoso marco de referencia para cualquiera que estE interesado en aprender sobre el tema de la innovaciOn y estA tratando de triunfar a nivel personal o a nivel organizacional. Gupta ha reconocido que la innovaciOn en sI, es una...
La soluciOn de la InnovaciOn ofrece un mEtodo muy bien investigado, lOgico y holIstico para comprender el proceso de innovaciOn, dicho mEtodo...
Nosotros creemos que este libro ayudarA al lector a implantar un programa de Seis Sigma sin temor a la estadIstica, asI como para reenfocar la energIa para lograr el objetivo de Seis Sigma, que es una gran cantidad de mejoras de forma muy rApida.
Porque buscar Seis Sigma sin estadIstica? Muchos programas Seis Sigma estAn mal orientados debido a un enfoque muy fuerte en la estadIstica y en la realidad pocas mejoras. Seis Sigma suena naturalmente a estadIstica, sin embargo, en la realidad es un programa estratEgico con un toque de estadIstica.
Seis Sigma estA...
Nosotros creemos que este libro ayudarA al lector a implantar un programa de Seis Sigma sin temor a la estadIstica, asI como para reenfocar la ener...