THE FIRST PSY/CHANGELING NOVEL from the New York Times bestselling author of Shards of Hope, Shield of Winter, and Heart of Obsidian... The book that Christine Feehan called -a must-read for all of my fans.- In a world that denies emotions, where the ruling Psy punish any sign of desire, Sascha Duncan must conceal the feelings that brand her as flawed. To reveal them would be to sentence herself to the horror of -rehabilitation---the complete psychic erasure of everything she ever was...Both human and animal, Lucas Hunter is a Changeling hungry for the very sensations the...
THE FIRST PSY/CHANGELING NOVEL from the New York Times bestselling author of Shards of Hope, Shield of Winter, and Heart of Obsidian... T...
A Psy/Changeling novel from the New York Times bestselling author of Shards of Hope, Shield of Winter, and Heart of Obsidian...-the alpha author of paranormal romance- (Booklist). Used to cold silence, Faith NightStar is suddenly being tormented by dark visions of blood and murder. A bad sign for anyone, but worse for Faith, an F-Psy with the highly sought after ability to predict the future. Then the visions show her something even more dangerous--aching need...exquisite pleasure. But so powerful is her sight, so fragile the state of her mind, that the very emotions she yearns to...
A Psy/Changeling novel from the New York Times bestselling author of Shards of Hope, Shield of Winter, and Heart of Obsidian...-the alpha author of...
Put a little meow in your stocking with these tales of Christmas romance from four New York Times bestselling authors. Lora Leigh, Nalini Singh, Erin McCarthy, and Linda Winstead Jones have a special gift for readers: heartwarming holiday stories featuring passionate romance, paranormal adventure, and a distinctly alluring feline touch. With four thrilling stories--including one featuring Lora Leigh's genetically altered Feline Breeds--this is a collection packed with more surprises than Christmas morning, and more chills than the snowiest winter night...
Put a little meow in your stocking with these tales of Christmas romance from four New York Times bestselling authors. Lora ...
View our feature on Nalini Singh's Angels' Blood.
Nalini Singh introduces readers to a world of beauty and bloodlust, where angels hold sway over vampires. Vampire hunter Elena Deveraux is hired by the dangerously beautiful Archangel Raphael. But this time, it's not a wayward vamp she has to track. It's an archangel gone bad. The job will put Elena in the midst of a killing spree like no other--and pull her to the razor's edge of passion. Even if the hunt doesn't destroy...
View our feature on Nalini Singh's Angels' Blood....
View our feature on Nalini Singh's Archangel's Kiss.New York Times bestselling author of Angels' Blood
Vampire hunter Elena Deveraux wakes from a year-long coma to find that she has become an angel-and that her lover, the stunningly dangerous archangel Raphael, likes having her under his control. But almost immediately, Raphael must ready Elena for a flight to Beijing, to attend a ball thrown by the archangel Lijuan. Ancient and without conscience, Lijuan's power lies with the dead. And she has organized the most perfect and most vicious of welcomes for...
View our feature on Nalini Singh's Archangel's Kiss.New York Times bestselling author of Angels' Blood
Bring these four authors together and it's sure to ignite a spark... Angela Knight pairs a vampire warrior and his seductive captor in a battle against demonic predators. Nalini Singh returns to the world of her Psy-Changeling series as a woman in lethal danger finds an unlikely protector-and lover. Virginia Kantra continues the haunting tales of the Children of the Sea in her story of a wounded soldier rescued by an enigmatic young woman. Meljean Brook launches a bold new steampunk series about a woman who strikes a provocative-and...
Bring these four authors together and it's sure to ignite a spark... Angela Knight pairs a vampire warrior and his seductive capto...
An ancient and malevolent female immortal is rising in Manhattan to reclaim her son, the archangel Raphael. Only one thing stands in her way: Elena Deveraux, a vampire-hunter-and Raphael's lover.
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An ancient and malevolent female immortal is rising in Manhattan to reclaim her son, the archangel Raphael. Only one thing stands in her way: Elena De...
Nachdem die Vampirjägerin Elena Deveraux ein Jahr lang im Koma lag, muss sie bei ihrem Erwachen feststellen, dass sie in einen Engel verwandelt wurde. Noch sind ihre Wunden nicht ganz verheilt und ihr Körper muss sich von der Umwandlung erholen. Da wird ihr Geliebter, der atemberaubend gut aussehende Erzengel Raphael, von der Unsterblichen Lijuan zu einem Ball geladen. Die Einladung abzulehnen wäre ein Zeichen von Schwäche. Deshalb müssen Raphael und Elena so schnell wie möglich nach Peking fliegen. Doch Lijuan empfängt die beiden keineswegs freundlich ...
Nachdem die Vampirjägerin Elena Deveraux ein Jahr lang im Koma lag, muss sie bei ihrem Erwachen feststellen, dass sie in einen Engel verwandelt wurde...
In einer Welt, in der Gefühle verboten sind und die telepathisch begabten Psy jede Form von Leidenschaft unterdrücken, führt die junge Sascha Duncan ein Doppelleben. Als sie dem gutaussehenden Gestaltwandler Lucas Hunter begegnet, fällt es Sascha immer schwerer, die Maske der Gleichgültigkeit aufrechtzuerhalten. Hunter kommt indessen einem fürchterlichen Geheimnis auf die Spur ...Erotik-Thriller in einer fantastischen Alternativwelt: Die Zukunft der Fantasy Romance! Shooting Star Nalini Singh lässt die Gefühle explodieren!
In einer Welt, in der Gefühle verboten sind und die telepathisch begabten Psy jede Form von Leidenschaft unterdrücken, führt die junge Sascha Dunca...
A Psy/Changeling novel from the New York Times bestselling author of Shards of Hope, Shield of Winter, and Heart of Obsidian Since her defection from the PsyNet and into the SnowDancer wolf pack, Sienna Lauren has had one weakness: Hawke. Alpha and dangerous, he lost the woman who would've been his mate long ago. Now he walks alone. But Sienna stirs his primal heart, even as he tells himself she is far too young to handle the wild fury of the wolf. Yet as they strip away each other's secrets, a deadly enemy is striking at everything the pack holds dear...but Sienna's darkest...
A Psy/Changeling novel from the New York Times bestselling author of Shards of Hope, Shield of Winter, and Heart of Obsidian Since her defec...