This anthology of interdisciplinary writings looks at the integration of mind, body, and spirit as it plays out in the workplace--whether in birth coaching, teaching parents, assisting the terminally ill, or working in the military, the classroom, or the corporation. These essays reveal what gets in the way of our humanity in the work world and how to rediscover that humanity. Written by leading professionals in business, education, medicine, technology, finance, psychology, and the military, this collection of essays exploring how reconnecting with one's humanity can result in true...
This anthology of interdisciplinary writings looks at the integration of mind, body, and spirit as it plays out in the workplace--whether in birth coa...
As in all his books, Heckler draws from personal experience: training his horse, cultivating presence in aikido dojos, consulting with business executives, raising children. A masterful and encompassing book, Holding the Center develops from the fulcrum of the self in the natural world. Many of Heckler's lessons arise from his life as a householder and father. Community is a larger family--we make alliances to "take care of what matters to us." But, as Heckler teaches, that takes listening to others with an open heart, and learning what the needs of others are.The world can be a...
As in all his books, Heckler draws from personal experience: training his horse, cultivating presence in aikido dojos, consulting with business execut...
The Art of Somatic Coaching introduces the concepts and principles of coaching with practices that include body awareness, bodywork, and mindfulness for both the coach and the client. Author and expert coach, Richard Strozzi-Heckler, PhD, explains that in order to achieve truly sustainable changes in individuals, teams, and organizations, it is necessary to implement body-oriented somatic practices in order to dissolve habits, behaviors, and interpretations of the world that are no longer relevant. He explains that these ways of being are integrated in the body--at the level of the...
The Art of Somatic Coaching introduces the concepts and principles of coaching with practices that include body awareness, bodywork, and min...