Diplomarbeit aus dem Jahr 2009 im Fachbereich Forstwirtschaft / Forstwissenschaft, Note: 3,0, Hochschule fur Forstwirtschaft Rottenburg am Neckar (Waldarbeit und Forsttechnik), Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Die Waldarbeit gehort auch heute noch zu einer der unfallreichsten Tatigkeiten der modernen Arbeitswelt. Die Landesforstverwaltungen sind noch immer die groten Arbeitgeber fur Forstwirte. Sie haben sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, die Unfallzahlen in ihren Betrieben zu senken, indem sie eng mit Maschinenherstellern und der Landwirtschaftlichen Berufsgenossenschaft zusammenarbeiten, die Ausbildung...
Diplomarbeit aus dem Jahr 2009 im Fachbereich Forstwirtschaft / Forstwissenschaft, Note: 3,0, Hochschule fur Forstwirtschaft Rottenburg am Neckar (Wal...
Research Paper (undergraduate) from the year 2006 in the subject Business economics - General, grade: 1,8, University of Cooperative Education Mannheim, course: ABWL, 45 entries in the bibliography, language: English, abstract: Fuel and diesel petrol are derived from crude oil, and since this is a limited raw material, unevenly distributed over the world, it will become very important in the future to find alternatives to petrol; one of them are biofuels. The present paper was written in order to find out about the biofuels market in Europe. An overview of different types of biofuels,...
Research Paper (undergraduate) from the year 2006 in the subject Business economics - General, grade: 1,8, University of Cooperative Education Mannhei...
This volume focuses on the (de)canonization processes in children s literature, considering the construction and cultural-historical changes of canons in different children s literatures. Chapters by international experts in the field explore a wide range of different children s literatures from Great Britain, Germany, Scandinavia, the Low Countries, Eastern and Central Europe, as well as from Non-European countries such as Australia, Israel, and the United States. Situating the inquiry within larger literary and cultural studies conversations about canonicity, the contributors assess...
This volume focuses on the (de)canonization processes in children s literature, considering the construction and cultural-historical changes of can...
Shedding light on an important and neglected topic in childhood studies, Anja Muller interrogates how different concepts of childhood proliferated and were construed in several important eighteenth-century periodicals and satirical prints. Muller focuses on The Tatler, The Spectator, The Guardian, The Female Tatler, and The Female Spectator, arguing that these periodicals contributed significantly to the construction, development, and popularization of childhood concepts that provided the basis for later ideas such as the 'Romantic child'. Informed by the theoretical concept of 'framing', by...
Shedding light on an important and neglected topic in childhood studies, Anja Muller interrogates how different concepts of childhood proliferated and...