Musicians, dancers and athletes spend a tremendous amount of time and effort preparing for performance in the hope of success, aiming for certainty, flexibility and expressiveness. Their use of visualization, verbal labels, muscle energy, and emotion is often based upon intuition instead of knowledge. Art in Motion intends to fill this vacuum. Effective training and teaching hinge on motivation, self-regulation, useful feedback, and an understanding of perception, cognition, timing, motor skill learning, and automation. Information about empirical research concerning mental...
Musicians, dancers and athletes spend a tremendous amount of time and effort preparing for performance in the hope of success, aiming for certainty, f...
Ein Buhnenauftritt verlangt vom Musiker Konzentration und schopferische Kraft statt Aufregung und Angst. Ist die optimale Konzerterfahrung eine Schimare? Weder fur Lampenfieber noch fur Auffuhrungsangst existiert eine einheitliche Definition. Das Ergebnis ist ein Bundel von Symptombeschreibungen und Erklarungsversuchen, differierenden theoretischen Ansatzen und experimentellen Methoden. Dieser Literaturbericht umfat Erkenntnisse aus der Angstforschung, Sportpsychologie und klinischen Psychologie. Diese werden unter Einbeziehung der Besonderheiten des Musizierens betrachtet. Durch eine...
Ein Buhnenauftritt verlangt vom Musiker Konzentration und schopferische Kraft statt Aufregung und Angst. Ist die optimale Konzerterfahrung eine Schima...
Top performers are typically seen as those experts in their fields with the most confidence, highest powers of concentration, and best training methods. Is this a realistic, comprehensive assessment of the components of artistic and athletic success? Stress situations can create vulnerability to mistakes, even in professionals. Not one strategy is known to consistently shelter humans from the fear of public scrutiny. As long as the factors underlying personal achievement are not sufficiently researched, sub-optimal performance will remain a possibility. An interdisciplinary understanding of...
Top performers are typically seen as those experts in their fields with the most confidence, highest powers of concentration, and best training method...