This book describes life in the England of Queen Elizabeth in terms of the concrete. Perhaps no Boroughport or Hollydean Hall can be discovered on the maps of the 1550's, but there were scores of towns and hundreds of rich manors in which the things discussed in this study were wholly typical. The Hollydeans were not wiser, more cultivated or better than a great many contemporaries among the wealthier gentry; the episodes laid in Boroughport could be duplicated in almost any chartered town near the seaboard. At the time of original publication in 1930, William Stearns Davis was Professor of...
This book describes life in the England of Queen Elizabeth in terms of the concrete. Perhaps no Boroughport or Hollydean Hall can be discovered on the...
A novel about the childhood of the man who became King of France and was later canonized. William Stearns Davis (1877-1930) was Professor of Ancient History, University of Minnesota, and the author of a number of highly-accurate historical novels.
A novel about the childhood of the man who became King of France and was later canonized. William Stearns Davis (1877-1930) was Professor of Ancient H...
Rene, Chevalier de Massac, insists upon marrying Virginie Durand --though she is not of noble birth-- gives up his position at the court at Versailles, and throws himself heart and soul into the cause of the people. This book tells the eventful story of De Massac's part in the Revolution and the equally dangerous and courageous part played by his wife. De Massac, who is a friend of Danton and Robespierre, takes part in the capture of the Bastille, the storming of the Tuileries, and the battle of Wattignies, and with difficulty saves his own children from an attack by the peasants. The...
Rene, Chevalier de Massac, insists upon marrying Virginie Durand --though she is not of noble birth-- gives up his position at the court at Versailles...
"A really moving narrative, with figures of flesh and blood in it, and a broader vitality that touches the reader's imagination. The thing is astonishingly human... and as unaffectedly dramatic as though he had drawn his material from the modern world." --- The New York Tribune "The novel reproduces Greek life, and the events of the Persian invasion brilliantly and with correctness... Mr. Davis has even surpassed his previous efforts in highly imaginative work." --- Boston Budget At the time of original publication in 1907, William Stearns Davis was Professor of Ancient History, University of...
"A really moving narrative, with figures of flesh and blood in it, and a broader vitality that touches the reader's imagination. The thing is astonish...
This book tries to describe what an intelligent person would have witnessed in ancient Athens if by some legerdemain he were translated to the fourth century B.C. and conducted about the city under competent guidance. The year 360 B.C. has been selected as the hypothetical time of this visit, not because of any special virtue in that date, but because Athens was then architecturally almost perfect, her civic and her social life seemed at their best, the democratic constitution held its vigor, and there were few outward signs of the general decadence which was to set in after the triumph of...
This book tries to describe what an intelligent person would have witnessed in ancient Athens if by some legerdemain he were translated to the fourth ...
William Davis was Professor of Ancient History at the University of Minnesota. What if we could be transported back to the fourth century BC and have an intelligent tour guide show us the city? That is what Davis attempts do to in this charming book. The year 360 B C was chosen for the tour, since that was when Athens was at her architectural height and the social and civic life was flourishing. The democratic constitution was in place and the decadence that would follow had not yet taken hold. An in depth knowledge of ancient Athens is not required to enjoy this travel journey.
William Davis was Professor of Ancient History at the University of Minnesota. What if we could be transported back to the fourth century BC and have ...
William Stearns Davis (1877u1930), American educator, historian, and author. Davis used fictional works to humanize events in history. Davis chose subjects with dramatic flavor, such as the battles of Thermopylae and Salamis, and the coming to power of Julius Caesar. His work is noted for being accurate and having a good plot. The authorZs note reads, oThe invasion of Greece by Xerxes, with its battles of Thermopylae, Salamis, and Plataea, forms one of the most dramatic events in history. Had Athens and Sparta succumbed to this attack of Oriental superstition and despotism, the Parthenon, the...
William Stearns Davis (1877u1930), American educator, historian, and author. Davis used fictional works to humanize events in history. Davis chose sub...