This book investigates why people are willing to support an institutional arrangement that realises large-scale redistribution of wealth between social groups of society. Steffen Mau introduces the concept of 'the moral economy' to show that acceptance of welfare exchanges rests on moral assumptions and ideas of social justice people adhere to. Analysing both the institution of welfare and the public attitudes towards such schemes, the book demonstrates that people are neither selfish nor altruistic; rather they tend to reason reciprocally.
This book investigates why people are willing to support an institutional arrangement that realises large-scale redistribution of wealth between socia...
Im Zuge der fortschreitenden europaischen Integration ruckt die Frage nach den Folgen dieses Prozesses fur die Konstitution der Gesellschaft zunehmend in den Vordergrund des Interesses. Dies erfordert einen Perspektivenwechsel in der Theoriebildung. Hier knupft der vorliegende Band an, indem aus unterschiedlichen Blickwinkeln der Fundus sozialwissenschaftlicher Gesellschaftstheorie geoffnet und die Moglichkeiten (und auch Grenzen) der Ubertragung dieser Theorieangebote auf den Gegenstand der europaischen Integration diskuiert werden. Mit Beitragen von Maurizio Bach, Peter A. Berger,...
Im Zuge der fortschreitenden europaischen Integration ruckt die Frage nach den Folgen dieses Prozesses fur die Konstitution der Gesellschaft zunehmend...
State borders regulate cross-border mobility and determine peoples' chances to travel, work, and study across the globe. This book looks at how global mobility is defined by borders in 2011 in comparison to the 1970s. The authors trace the transformation of OECD-state borders in recent decades and show how borders have become ever more selective.
State borders regulate cross-border mobility and determine peoples' chances to travel, work, and study across the globe. This book looks at how global...
Dieses Handbuch stellt in 70 Artikeln wesentliche Aspekte der Strukturen und Dynamik des gesellschaftlichen Systems Deutschlands dar. Es ist ein umfassendes, ubersichtlich gestaltetes und zuverlassiges Grundlagenwerk fur alle, die sich in Studium, Forschung oder Beruf mit der Gesellschaft Deutschlands auseinandersetzen. In den Beitragen werden der jeweilige Untersuchungsgegenstand definiert und seine sozialgeschichtliche Entwicklungslinie nachgezeichnet, gegenwartige und prognostizierte Auspragungen beleuchtet sowie die gesellschaftspolitische Relevanz des Gegenstands thematisiert....
Dieses Handbuch stellt in 70 Artikeln wesentliche Aspekte der Strukturen und Dynamik des gesellschaftlichen Systems Deutschlands dar. Es ist ein um...
This book investigates why people are willing to support an institutional arrangement that realises large-scale redistribution of wealth between social groups of society. Steffen Mau introduces the concept of 'the moral economy' to show that acceptance of welfare exchanges rests on moral assumptions and ideas of social justice people adhere to. Analysing both the institution of welfare and the public attitudes towards such schemes, the book demonstrates that people are neither selfish nor altruistic; rather they tend to reason reciprocally.
This book investigates why people are willing to support an institutional arrangement that realises large-scale redistribution of wealth between socia...
Why were the European middle classes ready to acquiesce in neo-liberalism? This book argues that upward mobility, the growth of individual and family assets, the growing significance of private provision, and processes of individualization contributed to a major transformation of the middle classes, making them more prone to embrace inequality and market principles. It shows how the self-interest of large sections of the middle classes undermined social democracy and paved the way for neo-liberal reforms, making their socio-economic positioning ever more precarious and reducing their...
Why were the European middle classes ready to acquiesce in neo-liberalism? This book argues that upward mobility, the growth of individual and family ...